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What is CSAT Score Benchmarks by Industry: What's a Good Score?

Abhishek Punyani
January 8, 2024

Last modified on

Customer satisfaction is at the core of every successful business. Happy customers are more likely to become loyal customers, refer others, and contribute to a company's long-term success. In the quest to measure and improve customer satisfaction, companies rely on various metrics, one of which is CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score). 

In this blog, we will dive deep into CSAT, its significance in different industries, how it impacts customer satisfaction and experience, what constitutes a good CSAT score, and how it compares to NPS (Net Promoter Score).

Boost Your CSAT with Convin for Better Customer Experience. 

What is the CSAT Score?

What is csat score?
What is csat score?

CSAT, or Customer Satisfaction Score, is a metric used to assess the satisfaction level of customers with a product or service. It typically involves a single-question survey in which customers are asked to rate their satisfaction on a scale, often ranging from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7. 

The question usually takes the form of "How satisfied are you with product/service?" with response options like "Very Dissatisfied," "Dissatisfied," "Neutral," "Satisfied," and "Very Satisfied." The CSAT score is then calculated by taking the average of all the responses.

Now that we've established what the CSAT score is let's delve into the significance of achieving a good CSAT score and its impact on your business.

What is The Significance of a Good CSAT Score?

What constitutes a "good" CSAT score can vary depending on the industry and business objectives. 

This indicates a high level of customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, it is crucial to set realistic benchmarks and evaluate your performance against industry standards and competitors.

Maintaining a good CSAT score is vital for ensuring customer retention, positive word-of-mouth, and long-term business success. Companies should consistently monitor trends in their CSAT scores and actively address any issues that may arise to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Now that we've explored the significance of a good CSAT score let's delve into the practical steps of how to calculate it.

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How to Calculate CSAT Score?

How do you calculate the csat score in percentage?
How do you calculate the csat score in percentage?

Understanding how to calculate a CSAT score is straightforward. It typically involves a single-question survey in which customers are asked to rate their satisfaction on a predefined scale. 

Commonly, this scale ranges from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, with corresponding labels like "Very Dissatisfied," "Dissatisfied," "Neutral," "Satisfied," and "Very Satisfied." The CSAT score is then determined by averaging all the responses and multiplying the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

For instance, if 100 customers respond to the CSAT survey, and the sum of their satisfaction ratings totals 400 (out of a possible 500), the CSAT score would be calculated as follows:

(400 / 500) * 100 = 80%

This means the average customer satisfaction score is 80%.

Now that we've explored how to calculate CSAT scores let's shift our focus to a comparative perspective, examining CSAT versus NPS to gain a broader understanding of customer satisfaction metrics.

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CSAT vs. NPS: A Comparative Perspective

When it comes to measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, two popular metrics often come into play: CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) and NPS (Net Promoter Score). While CSAT is a valuable measure of immediate satisfaction with a product or service, it is important to differentiate it from another significant metric: NPS (Net Promoter Score).

Let's dive deeper into the differences and comparative aspects of these two essential metrics.

1. Nature and Focus

a. CSAT Score

  • What is CSAT Score: CSAT, or Customer Satisfaction Score, evaluates immediate satisfaction after a specific interaction or transaction.
  • CSAT Customer Satisfaction: It directly measures customer satisfaction regarding a particular product, service, or experience.
  • CSAT Score Calculation: Calculated by averaging customer ratings on a predefined scale (e.g., 1 to 5) and expressing it as a percentage.

b. NPS (Net Promoter Score)

  • NPS Customer Loyalty: It focuses on long-term loyalty and advocacy beyond specific interactions.
  • NPS Score Calculation: Based on a single question asking customers to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 how likely they are to recommend, categorizing respondents into Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6).
Formula to find NPS
Formula to find NPS

2. Measurement Scale

a. CSAT Score

  • Typically, it uses a shorter satisfaction scale, often from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7.
  • Provides a finer-grained assessment of satisfaction with a specific transaction or touchpoint.

b. NPS

  • Employs a broader scale from 0 to 10.
  • Emphasizes the distinction between Promoters, Passives, and Detractors, giving a sense of the depth of loyalty.

3. Time Frame and Scope

a. CSAT Score

  • Measures immediate satisfaction related to a specific event, making it well-suited for transactional assessments.
  • Offers insights into the quality of individual interactions.

b. NPS

  • Evaluates long-term loyalty and likelihood to recommend, making it more suitable for gauging overall brand sentiment.
  • Provides a holistic view of customer loyalty and advocacy over time.

4. Interpretation

a. CSAT Score

  • Easier to interpret and act upon for specific service improvements.
  • Provides insights into immediate customer reactions.

b. NPS

  • Requires a more nuanced interpretation due to the differentiation between Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
  • Offers a broader perspective on brand perception and customer advocacy.

5. Use Cases

a. CSAT Score

  • Commonly used in industries where transactional feedback is crucial, such as retail, hospitality, and call centers.

b. NPS

  • Valuable for tracking and improving customer loyalty, brand perception, and word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Often employed to measure overall brand health and customer loyalty in industries like tech, SaaS, and telecommunications.

6. Actionability

a. CSAT Score

  • Provides immediate feedback for pinpointing and addressing issues in real-time.
  • It helps identify specific areas for improvement within a short time frame.

b. NPS

  • Requires ongoing monitoring and analysis to determine trends in customer loyalty.
  • Focuses on cultivating long-term brand advocates and addressing systemic issues affecting customer loyalty.

While both CSAT and NPS are valuable customer feedback metrics, they serve distinct purposes and offer unique insights into different aspects of the customer experience. CSAT focuses on immediate satisfaction with specific interactions, while NPS assesses long-term loyalty and advocacy.

Now that we've explored the key differences between CSAT and NPS, let's shift our focus to a pressing question: What is the benchmark of CSAT scores set by industry in 2023?

What is The Benchmark of CSAT Scores Set by the Industry?

Benchmarking CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) is crucial for businesses to assess their performance and customer satisfaction levels relative to industry standards. In 2023, industries continued to establish and refine CSAT benchmarks to understand what constitutes a good CSAT score.

Know the benchmarks of CSAT of various Industries
Know the benchmarks of CSAT of various Industries [Source]

Here are some key points highlighting the industry benchmarks for CSAT in 2023:

1. Industry-Specific Benchmarks

  • What is CSAT Score: Industry-specific benchmarks for CSAT scores are established based on the unique characteristics and customer expectations within each sector.
  • CSAT Customer Satisfaction: Industries set benchmarks to measure the degree of customer satisfaction with products, services, or interactions.

2. Varied Expectations

  • What is a Good CSAT Score: A good CSAT score varies from one industry to another. In 2023, benchmarks continued to range, but a score above 80% remained a common indicator of satisfactory customer satisfaction across many sectors.
  • CSAT Score Calculation: The benchmarks are derived from calculations that average customer satisfaction ratings, typically on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, and then expressed as a percentage.

3. Competitive Landscape

  • CSAT vs. NPS: Industries consider their competitive landscape when establishing CSAT benchmarks. They may also evaluate how CSAT compares to NPS (Net Promoter Score) to gain a holistic view of customer sentiment.
  • CSAT Score Meaning: Understanding the significance of CSAT scores within a specific industry helps companies gauge their performance and align their goals with industry standards.

4. Customer Expectations

  • CSAT Score in Customer Satisfaction: Industries take into account the evolving expectations of their customers. Benchmarks aim to reflect the level of satisfaction that meets or exceeds these changing customer needs.
  • CSAT vs NPS: Industries may also factor in NPS scores to measure the likelihood of customers recommending their products or services, aligning benchmarks with overall customer loyalty goals.

5. Continuous Improvement

  • CSAT Customer Satisfaction: Establishing benchmarks serves as a foundation for continuous improvement efforts. Companies use these benchmarks to identify areas for enhancement and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • What is CSAT Score: Regularly monitoring and adapting benchmarks enable companies to remain competitive and responsive to shifting market dynamics.

6. Industry-Specific Challenges

  • CSAT Score Calculation: Industries face unique challenges, and CSAT benchmarks may account for these challenges. For instance, the healthcare industry may factor in the complexity of medical procedures, while the technology sector may consider the rapid pace of innovation.
  • What is a Good CSAT Score: Benchmarks set realistic goals that consider the constraints and opportunities within each industry.

7. Customer Feedback Integration

  • CSAT vs. NPS: Companies in 2023 focused on integrating customer feedback into their benchmarking processes. This involves not only measuring scores but also analyzing qualitative data to gain deeper insights.
  • CSAT Score Meaning: Understanding the meaning and implications of CSAT scores within a specific industry guides businesses in interpreting customer feedback effectively.

CSAT benchmarks in 2023 continued to evolve to reflect industry-specific standards and customer expectations. Setting appropriate benchmarks is crucial for businesses to measure their performance accurately, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction. These benchmarks also play a pivotal role in aligning CSAT scores with broader business objectives and maintaining competitiveness within the industry.

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Now that we clearly understand the benchmark of CSAT scores set by the industry in 2023, let's delve into another critical aspect: What is CSAT Score's Impact on Call Centers?

What is CSAT Score’s Impact on Call Centers?

What is the process behind CSAT, and how does it operate?
What is the process behind CSAT, and how does it operate?

Call centers play a crucial role in many industries, serving as the frontline for customer interactions. The CSAT score is a vital tool for call centers to gauge the quality of their service. A high CSAT score indicates that customers are content with the support they receive, while a low score suggests room for improvement.

Call centers use CSAT data to identify performance trends, identify areas for improvement, and even evaluate individual agent performance. By constantly monitoring CSAT scores, call centers can make data-driven decisions to enhance customer service and satisfaction.

Let's delve into the specific ways CSAT impacts call centers.

1. Immediate Feedback Loop

  • Call center agents and supervisors can quickly gauge how well they met customer needs during a call.

2. Agent Performance Evaluation

  • Agents with consistently high CSAT scores demonstrate their ability to provide excellent customer service.
Call center agent performance metrics
Call center agent performance metrics

3. Identifying Areas for Improvement

  • Low CSAT scores highlight areas where call center operations may need improvement.
  • These insights can lead to targeted training, process enhancements, or better tools for agents.

Suggested Read:- Understanding Call Center Reporting to Identify Pain points.

4. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Experience

  • Call centers that prioritize CSAT create a positive feedback loop, resulting in higher loyalty and advocacy.

5. Quality Assurance and Training

  • Call centers use CSAT data to drive quality assurance efforts.
  • It helps identify trends and areas where agents may require additional training or support.

Suggested Read:- Learn how automated QA can lead to success.

6. Benchmarking Against Industry Standards

  • Call centers compare their CSAT scores to industry benchmarks.
  • This practice ensures they remain competitive and meet or exceed customer satisfaction levels within their sector.

7. Churn Reduction and Customer Retention

  • A good CSAT score signifies satisfied customers who are less likely to churn.
  • Call centers benefit from reduced customer turnover and the associated costs.

CSAT plays a pivotal role in call center operations by providing a real-time gauge of customer satisfaction with support interactions. By monitoring CSAT scores, call centers can evaluate agent performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately deliver a superior customer experience.

Having explored the significance of CSAT score in call centers, let's now delve into its broader impact on customer satisfaction and overall experience.

What is CSAT Score's Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Experience?

CSAT is a key driver of customer satisfaction and experience. When customers feel their needs are met and their issues are resolved efficiently, their CSAT scores tend to be higher. A positive CSAT score signifies that customers are more likely to continue doing business with a company, recommend it to others, and leave positive reviews.

On the other hand, low CSAT scores can indicate customer dissatisfaction, leading to potential churn and negative word-of-mouth. 

1. Quantifying Customer Satisfaction

  • CSAT Customer Satisfaction: It quantifies how satisfied customers are with specific products, services, or interactions.
  • A high CSAT score indicates that customers are content, which is vital for a positive overall customer experience.

2. Identifying Areas for Improvement

  • What is a Good CSAT Score: A CSAT score above 80% is generally considered strong.
  • A good CSAT score signifies that customers are satisfied, but it also highlights areas where there's room for improvement.
  • Companies can use CSAT data to pinpoint aspects of their offerings or interactions that require enhancement, thereby contributing to an improved customer experience.

3. Real-time Feedback for Service Enhancements

  • CSAT surveys often follow specific interactions, transactions, or events, providing real-time feedback.
  • This immediate feedback loop enables businesses to address customer concerns promptly, leading to swift service improvements and an enhanced customer experience.

Real-time Agent Assist solves knowledge gaps and prompts agents on live calls
Real-time Agent Assist solves knowledge gaps and prompts agents on live calls

4. Impact on Customer Retention

  • High CSAT scores are closely correlated with customer loyalty and retention.
  • When customers are satisfied with their experiences, they are more likely to return for future transactions, contributing to long-term customer relationships.

Suggested Products:- Improve Customer Retention Rate With Convin.

5. Word-of-Mouth Marketing

  • Satisfied customers often become brand advocates, promoting products or services to friends and family.
  • A good CSAT score can trigger positive word-of-mouth marketing, which can significantly influence the experiences of potential customers.

6. CSAT vs. NPS: Different Aspects of Customer Experience

  • CSAT measures immediate satisfaction with specific interactions or transactions.
  • In contrast, NPS (Net Promoter Score) assesses long-term loyalty and the likelihood of customers recommending a company or product.
  • Combining both CSAT and NPS data provides a holistic view of the customer experience, spanning both immediate satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

7. Benchmarking and Industry Comparisons

  • Companies can benchmark their CSAT scores against industry standards and competitors.
  • This enables businesses to gain insights into how they stack up in terms of customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and remain competitive in delivering superior customer experiences.

CSAT's impact on customer satisfaction and experience is multifaceted. It quantifies satisfaction, highlights areas for improvement, contributes to customer retention, fuels word-of-mouth marketing, and plays a crucial role in data-driven decision-making.

Now that we've explored the impact of CSAT scores on customer satisfaction and experience, let's shift our focus to actionable strategies on how to improve CSAT scores and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

How to Improve CSAT Score and Enhance Customer Satisfaction?

What is a good CSAT score?
What is a good CSAT score?

A high CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) is indicative of content and happy customers, which can lead to loyalty, positive reviews, and business growth. 

To boost your CSAT score, consider these 8 strategies

1. Analyze CSAT Data

Begin by understanding your current CSAT scores and identifying areas with lower satisfaction rates. Use CSAT score calculations to spot trends and patterns.

2. Train Your Team

Provides comprehensive training for your employees, especially those in customer-facing roles. Equip them with the skills and knowledge to meet customer needs effectively.

3. Quick Issue Resolution

Resolve customer issues promptly. Fast and effective resolution can significantly impact CSAT scores by demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Importance of first call resolution
Importance of first call resolution

4. Gather Feedback

Solicit feedback from customers regularly, not only through CSAT surveys but also through other channels like email, social media, and phone calls. Use this feedback to pinpoint areas of improvement.

5. Implement Customer Feedback

Act upon the feedback received. Make changes to your processes, products, or services based on customer suggestions and concerns.

6. Monitor Performance

Continuously track CSAT scores and evaluate the impact of improvements. Adjust your strategies as needed to maintain an upward trend.

7. Benchmark Against Competitors

Compare your CSAT scores to industry benchmarks and your competitors. Identify areas where you can outperform and stand out.

8. Follow-Up After Resolution

After resolving an issue, follow up with customers to ensure they are satisfied with the resolution. This extra step shows your commitment to their satisfaction.

Improving your CSAT score is a continuous journey that requires dedication, data-driven insights, and a customer-centric approach. By focusing on clear communication, employee satisfaction, process optimization, and actively addressing customer feedback, you can enhance customer satisfaction and achieve a higher CSAT score, ultimately driving business success.

How Convin Helps you Boost CSAT Score to Achieve Better Results?

Conversational AI platforms like Convin offer various products and features that can significantly assist organizations in boosting their CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score). 

Here are some of Convin's products that help in generating good CSAT scores:

1. Auto QA (Quality Assurance)

Convin's Auto QA (Quality Assurance), Call Score, CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score), and AI Feedback are key components of its suite of products designed to enhance customer service and call center operations. 

What is Auto QA: Auto QA is a feature offered by Convin that automates the quality assurance process for customer service calls. It leverages AI and machine learning to evaluate and analyze call recordings and interactions between agents and customers. 

Here are some sub-products of Auto Quality Assurance:

a. Call Score

What is Call Score: Call Score is a metric generated by Convin's Auto QA feature. It represents the overall assessment of a customer service call's quality based on various factors, including agent performance, adherence to scripts, and customer satisfaction indicators.

b. CSAT Score (Customer Satisfaction Score)

What is CSAT Score: CSAT Score is a measure of customer satisfaction with a product, service, or interaction. It is typically collected through post-interaction surveys, where customers rate their satisfaction on a scale, often from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7.

c. AI Feedback

What is AI Feedback: AI Feedback is a feature within Convin's suite of products that utilizes artificial intelligence to provide constructive feedback to customer service agents based on call interactions, Call Scores, and CSAT Scores.

2. Automated Agent Coaching  

Our Automated Coaching Platform is a unique product tailored for call center environments. This platform provides personalized and automated coaching sessions to agents, helping them develop resilience and better manage stress. 

Peer-to-peer coaching in Convin’s automated agent coaching platform
Peer-to-peer coaching in Convin’s automated agent coaching platform

3. Real-Time Guidance

Real-Time Agent Assistance is a cutting-edge solution designed to empower call center agents with real-time support and guidance during customer interactions. 

Different kinds of battle cards in real-time monitoring
Different kinds of battle cards in real-time monitoring

The assistant listens to customer-agent conversations in real-time, analyzing the dialogue for crucial information and customer sentiment. Based on the analysis, the assistant provides agents with instant recommendations and suggestions to guide them in addressing customer queries and concerns effectively. 

Convin's suite of products, including Auto QA, Call Score, CSAT Score, and AI Feedback, collectively contribute to optimizing customer service operations. These features streamline quality assurance processes, provide valuable insights into call quality and customer satisfaction, and offer agents the support and feedback they need to deliver exceptional service consistently.

Be sure to book a free demo today to see firsthand how our products can help boost your CSAT Score for better customer experience and satisfaction.


1. What is a good CSAT score?

A good CSAT score is typically considered to be above 80%, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction.

2. What does CSAT stand for?

CSAT stands for "Customer Satisfaction Score," a metric used to measure customer satisfaction with products or services.

3. What is CSAT quality score?

CSAT quality score is not a standard term but may refer to the overall assessment of service quality based on CSAT scores.

4. What is an 80% CSAT score?

An 80% CSAT score implies that 80% of surveyed customers are satisfied with the product or service in question

5. What is a good CSAT score out of 5?

A good CSAT score out of 5 would generally be considered as 4 or above, with 5 being the Highest rating.

6. What are the disadvantages of CSAT?

Disadvantages of CSAT include its potential for oversimplification of customer feedback and its limited scope in measuring long-term loyalty.

7. Why does the CSAT score matter?

CSAT scores matter because they provide actionable insights into customer satisfaction, aiding in decision-making and improving customer experiences.

8. Why are CSAT scores important?

CSAT scores are important as they help businesses gauge customer sentiment, identify areas for improvement, and maintain customer loyalty by addressing issues effectively.

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