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Contact Center
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Assessing Customer Satisfaction With CSAT Score

Labeeb Ajmal T
Labeeb Ajmal T
October 6, 2023

Last modified on

Assessing Customer Satisfaction With CSAT Score
Table of Content
“80% of companies use customer satisfaction scores to analyze customer experience and improve it.” - Harvard Business Review

Understanding customer satisfaction is key to ensuring that your support team is working as intended.

Contact centers use various methods and metrics to improve their customer satisfaction levels. Despite the efforts, tracking customer satisfaction after each conversation isn’t easy. 

Convin’s latest generative AI advancement–CSAT Score– is the right choice for every customer-facing team. 

With CSAT Score, agents and leaders can understand customer satisfaction levels after each interaction.

Let’s have a look at how CSAT Score works and helps agents improve customer satisfaction levels.

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How Does CSAT Score Work?

When you’ve signed up for Convin’s CSAT Score, the first step is to integrate Convin with your call recording software. This enables the software to listen to your calls and assess customer satisfaction based on each call.

CSAT Score categorizes customers into 3 categories based on their satisfaction levels
How are customers categorized based on satisfaction levels?

Convin’s intelligent software listens in on each call and categorizes customers into three categories:

  • Satisfied
    These are customers who are satisfied with the resolution provided by the agent.
  • Neutral
    These are customers whose queries have been resolved by the agent. They are neither completely satisfied with the result nor dissatisfied.
  • Dissatisfied
    These are customers who are dissatisfied with the resolution provided by the agent.

The categorization can be customized by team leaders, and they can choose what percentage of satisfaction leads to satisfied, neutral and dissatisfied customers.

It doesn’t stop there. 

Agents can also see the reason why a customer was categorized into a specific category and what can be done to improve customer satisfaction.

Agents can see what went right or wrong on each call with detailed reasoning for a customer's satisfaction level
Detailed insights into a customer’s satisfaction levels

These detailed insights help agents improve their experience delivery since they have proactive information on what is and isn’t working with customers.

Team leaders get a weekly report that shows the amount of calls with dissatisfied, neutral, and satisfied customers
Weekly CSAT Report shared with Team Leaders

The best part about the CSAT Score is that leaders can get a weekly CSAT report that states the number of calls in each category. This helps team leaders gain an overview of how well the experience delivery strategy is working.

Take the First Step in Measuring Customer Satisfaction Proactively!

Now that we’ve seen the features of CSAT Score and how it works, let’s look at how it benefits customer-facing teams.

How Does CSAT Score Help Your Contact Center?

Understanding customer satisfaction in a proactive and timely manner can benefit a contact center in many ways. Here are the key benefits of CSAT Score:

1. Improved Agent Performance

When agents receive immediate feedback on why customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with their service, it is easy to understand what works well.

Quick feedback helps agents modify their interactions with customers. With feedback after each call, agents can reach the best version of themselves in a short period of time.

2. Rise in Customer Satisfaction

The suggestions that agents receive after each call, help them move in the right direction to serve their customers better.

These suggestions ensure that future customers get a better experience and resolution, leading to an increase in customer satisfaction levels.

3. Implement Timely Changes in Experience Delivery

The weekly report that team leaders receive helps them evaluate the efficiency of the current experience delivery strategy. When there are many dissatisfied customer calls, something needs to be corrected.

Are you ready to take the first step in improving customer satisfaction? Talk to an expert.

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