Empower your agents to ensure a 25% bump in customer retention rate

Assist your customer support agents in query handling, managing complex scenarios, and driving high-quality conversations to elevate CSAT by 27%.

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How is Convin closing the support
performance gap?

Different roles. Different problems. One solution.

Real-Time Agent Assist illustration

Reduce hold time and improve FCR on live calls

Agent Assist provides real-time guidance to your support agents.

  • Help agents offer better resolutions using real-time customer insights.
  • Employ real-time audits to drive customer-centric behavior and catch compliance violations.
  • Auto-assist agents in navigating complex customer queries with immediate prompts.
  • Auto-assist agents in learning on the job while avoiding information overload.
  • Access knowledge base and improve agent skillset in real-life situations.

Uncover bottlenecks in customer-agent interactions

Understand the root cause of low-quality calls and customer escalations with Auto QA.

  • Evaluate 100% of omnichannel conversations and gain complete visibility into agents’ performance.
  • Manually score all omnichannel conversations that need selective attention.
  • Identify and repair critical CX issues like long hold times, long FCR, misleading information sharing, and more.
  • Track agent escalations that point out coaching needs and better CX strategies.
  • Give targeted AI feedback to agents on what they did well, where they need improvement, and suggest the next actionable steps.
  • Pinpoint unhappy customers with CSAT scores and proactively address the areas of concern.
Automated Quality Assurance illustration
Voice of Customer illustration

Retain customers by analyzing their behavior

Run Conversation Behavior Analysis to identify easily replicable best practices.

  • Identify critical behaviors and actions that increase customer loyalty.
  • Choose communication rules that build customer trust and result in repeat purchases.
  • Ask the right questions to counter objections on customer support interactions.
  • Update agent scripts with data focusing on what’s working and what’s not.
  • Identify violations and red flags that can sabotage customer relationships.
  • Personalize support calls by identifying conversation patterns from similar encounters.

Reduce average handle time without relying on manual training

Reduce ticket reopens, escalations, and long hold times by nurturing agents through automated and personalized coaching at scale.

  • Invest in 100% monitoring and daily feedback cycle to identify coaching needs.
  • Fix will and skill issues that hamper conversation success and drive behavioral change.
  • Improve newcomer ramp-up time by 60% with targeted customer support training.
  • Help agents follow best practices through peer-to-peer coaching.
  • Assist agents in improving brand reputation by meeting company standards and compliance needs.
  • Reduce long hold times by coaching agents on searching for information from the Knowledge Base.
  • Improve agent morale and indirectly impact the customer experience.
Automated Agent Coaching illustration

Open additional business opportunities with existing customers

Analyze every interaction to uncover up-sell and cross-sell possibilities with Conversation Intelligence.

  • Automate repetitive tasks like note-taking to improve agent productivity.
  • Monitor customer interactions for better follow-up conversations.
  • Avoid surprises by staying up-to-date with consumer, competition, deal, and market insights.
  • Track critical moments, topics, and customer sentiments to understand customer intention.
  • Establish new revenue streams and customer relationship touchpoints.
Ramp up in time
Improve AHT to

How Support Teams use Convin?


Agents reduce call handling time and improve first-call response with Convin. With accessible quality monitoring, customer insights, and feedback, agents can amend their performance and replicate winning conversation behavior.

Agents thoroughly utilize automated coaching to coach themselves on best practices and top-performing skill sets.


Assess performance and coaching needs by monitoring 100% of agents' and teams' conversations.

Ensure continuous feedback and knowledge sharing based on agent performance and quality statistics.

Track and fix compliance violations, behavioral anomalies, customer complaints, negative customer sentiments, and more such red signals.


Replace outdated call auditing and human bias with Convin’s AI-powered automated quality assessment platform. Analyze omnichannel conversations based on custom parameters, responses, discussion points, interruption, and more to auto-calculate conversation performance scores.

Keep an eye out for support quality trends and coaching effectiveness with reports.

Track escalations and reopen ticket reasons by eliminating random sampling while taking charge of conversations that need manual auditing intervention.


Increase CLTV by maintaining high customer satisfaction. Carefully monitor customer intelligence reports to discover new and failed opportunities. Examine patterns, actions, and behaviors that may impact repeat customer purchases.

Track and audit dashboards displaying agent performance, compliance issues, and deal progress. Rightfully intervene to avoid potential problems and course-correct CX strategies.
Analyze omnichannel conversations
Access Convin

"A 360 degree view of all
my projects."

Featured Case study

Carestack sees uptake of 47% on close rate after adding Convin’s Conversation Intelligence in their sales stack.

“Convin is a sales managers' Swiss army knife for coaching and call tracking. Having a library of key topics and next steps mentioned by each rep on each call helps streamline coaching moments and 1-1s, this keeps me from bouncing back and forth to programs and gives me more time to coach and help my team perform.”

Aaron Drummond
Account Executive - Place Technology

“Convin helps our sales teams focus and be present in the moment of conversation because they're confident they can easily go back and review calls at a later time. It helps us as managers to be more thoughtful and structured about the way we coach and help reps progress their deals forward.”

Alex Siegler
Head of Strategic Alliances - Place Technology

“I have been able to quickly identify areas of improvement for my reps & able to provide coaching to allow reps to quickly pivot. Also help them make changes to their pitch.”

Aquibur Rahman
CEO & Founder - Mailmodo

“Reviewing the recordings is like an athlete watching game-tape to try to improve. Collaboration with management is easy, and my reps are learning so much faster by watching the best.”

Rishabh Goel
CEO & Founder - Credgenics

“Convin makes reviewing sales calls super easy. It creates training libraries for new joinees to improve and I love that. It also sends instant emails to those getting reviewed for the specific recording.”

Mahak Garg
CEO & COO - Udayy