Agent Performance Metrics

Analyze call center agent performance for better customer experience

Call center agent performance powered by Convin's AI-based automated contact center platform.

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Call centers comprise agents with different personal goals. Speaking of different objectives, some might want to go the extra mile to earn more incentives to give their best. On the other hand, some agents want to meet the basic criteria. PERIOD.

But in either of the two mentioned cases above, a call center needs to adapt to a set of parameters or conditions upon which call center agents can work. 

These parameters are nothing but the call center agent performance metrics

Let’s admit a set of defined goals contributes largely to the agent’s overall performance. Moreover, these metrics also act as a catalyst for the existing targets by motivating the agents and drawing a clearer picture. 

Let’s first understand what is agent performance.

What is agent performance?

What is agent performance metrics?

Call center performance metrics or KPIs (key performance indicators) are the data collected to measure a call center's overall service to its customers. 

You can measure these performance metrics depending on the system you use and assess it individually or throughout the organization as a whole. 

By analyzing call center performance metrics, you can mitigate compliance risks, drive customer revenue and retention, and accomplish an improved customer experience.

Top 10 Contact Center Metrics To Measure Agent Performance

Discussed below are the top 10 contact center agent performance metrics.

Agent performance metrics

1. Abandon Call Rate

Te percentage of callers hanging up before they reach an agent is defined as the Abandon Call Rate. 

The Abandon call rate tells a lot about agent productivity and performance. However, this metric indicates every less about individual agents. 

An abnormally high Abandon Call Rate indicates some issues between the agent and customers. With this metric, one can get a heads-up on why the agents aren’t able to get to the customers on time. 

Additionally, the Abandon call rate also indicates customer experience. Customers don’t like waiting for long on calls, leading to a negative customer experience.

Blocked calls in agent performance

2. Blocked calls

The number of callers who were prevented from reaching an agent is indicated by the Blocked Calls metric. This metric, when high, points to your agents losing the opportunity to help customers, who are likely to grow frustrated for not getting the assistance they need.

3. Service level

The Service level is the percentage of calls agents answer in a specified number of seconds. It measures the real-time agent performance of calls taken. 

This metric is the perfect way to determine if agents move quickly from one call to another.

4. Queue time

The Queue Time is measured by dividing the total time callers wait in the queue by the total number of calls answered.

How to measure queue time in call centers

Improve the experience your customers are having by measuring the average Queue Time as a key contact center metric. 

To beat Average Queue Time as an issue, you can provide a call-back service or a self-service option to prevent callers from waiting.

5. Average handle time

The Average Handle Time is one of the important ways to measure contact center agent performance. 

The Average Handle Time is the time between the customer initiating a call and when they disconnect it. This time includes hold time and transfer time, including the agent’s after-contact work. 

Too much Average Handle Time indicates that the agent takes too long to respond to a customer or takes too long to resolve an issue. 

But here’s another side to the story. 

An abnormally short Average Handle Time indicates that the agent is not providing any real assistance or not listening thoroughly to the customer while resolving a query.

A call center monitoring software provides a deep dive into inspecting call quality and preventing Average Handle Time from swinging to extremes.

6. Response time

As the name suggests, the Average Response Time is the average time agents take to answer calls within a specified time frame. 

This is one of the best contact center metrics to measure agent productivity. A high Average Response Time means that agents are taking too long to resolve an issue compared to how quickly they and customers on the other end are waiting too long.

7. First call resolution

One of the most straightforward ways to measure call center productivity is by First Call Resolution (FCR).

First Call Resolution is measured by the agent resolving a customer’s concern in the first call. 

Imagine a customer calling back multiple times for a single issue and being transferred to different people for it. Harsh and time-consuming, right?

A call center needs to consider how to resolve these issues and eliminate the time for the customer’s issues to be addressed in the first go. 

The First Call Resolution can be improved by proper training, agent empowerment, and keeping the FCR metric as a straightforward goal. With improved First Call Resolution, customers can walk away with satisfaction leading to a good customer experience.

Occupancy rate

8. Occupancy rate

The Occupancy rate measures agents' overall performance across all call-related duties. You can easily measure how much time agents are on live calls or completing call-related tasks with respect to being idle. 

In simple words, a low Occupancy Rate is a key indicator of agents not performing work-related tasks. To address this issue, this call center metric can be used to measure productivity.

9. Average after call work

The metric, After call work, also known as ACW, refers to the tasks and activities that are performed by customer service agents after they have completed a call with a customer. 

This work can include tasks such as documenting the call, updating customer records, and resolving any outstanding issues or concerns that were raised during the call. 

The average amount of time spent on After Call Work will vary depending on the specific tasks that need to be performed and the individual agent's efficiency.

10. Customer experience

A Customer Experience metric is a measure of how well a company is meeting the needs and expectations of its customers. 

Some common Customer Experience metrics include customer satisfaction, customer retention, and net promoter score (NPS), which measures how likely a customer is to recommend a company's products or services to others. 

Companies use these metrics to evaluate their customer service's effectiveness and identify improvement areas. 

By tracking and analyzing Customer Experience metrics, businesses can better understand their customers and provide a higher level of service.

How to evaluate call center agent performance?

How to evaluate call center agent performance

There are several key factors to consider when evaluating the performance of call center agents. These metrics can include the following:

1. Quality of customer interactions

This can be assessed by listening to recordings of calls, observing agents during live calls, or asking customers for feedback on their interactions with the agent.

2. Adherence to company policies and procedures

It's important for agents to follow established guidelines for handling calls and resolving customer issues. This can be monitored through call observations and regular audits of agent performance.

3. Efficiency and productivity

Agents should be able to handle calls quickly and efficiently while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. This can be measured by tracking metrics such as average call handling time, and the number of calls handled per hour.

4. Sales and upselling

In some cases, call center agents may also be responsible for selling products or services to customers. The ability to effectively upsell and cross-sell can be an important factor in evaluating agent performance.

5. Attendance and punctuality

Regular attendance and punctuality are important for maintaining good customer service and meeting performance targets.

In addition to these factors, it's also important to regularly provide feedback and coaching to agents to help them improve their performance and meet their goals.

How to improve call center agent performance?

There are several strategies that companies can use to improve the performance of call center agents. These include -

1. Providing ongoing training and development

It's important for agents to have a thorough understanding of the products and services they represent and the skills and knowledge needed to handle customer inquiries and resolve issues. Regular training and development can help agents stay updated on new products and services and improve their customer service skills.

2. Implementing a performance management system

A performance management system can help managers set clear goals and expectations for agents, provide regular feedback and coaching, and track progress over time. This can help agents understand what is expected of them and how they can improve their performance.

3. Using technology to support agents

Technology can be a valuable tool for improving agent performance. For example, using a call center software system can help agents access customer information quickly and easily and provide them with the tools they need to handle calls efficiently.

4. Providing incentives and rewards

Rewarding agents for good performance can effectively motivate and engage them. This can include recognition for meeting performance goals, financial incentives for achieving sales targets, or other rewards that are meaningful to agents.

5. Encouraging collaboration and teamwork

A supportive and collaborative work environment can help agents feel more engaged and motivated. Encouraging agents to work together and share best practices can help them improve their performance and provide better customer service.

6. Call center monitoring software

Have you ever thought about using call center monitoring software to improve the performance of your agents? 

A call center monitoring software can be a real game-changer for call centers. It allows managers to listen to calls and provide agents with instant feedback on their performance. 

This can help agents identify areas where they can improve and take steps to become even more efficient and effective. 

In addition, call center monitoring software like Convin can provide managers with valuable insights into overall call center performance, allowing them to identify trends and patterns and make data-driven decisions about how to improve efficiency and customer service. 

Some common call center monitoring software features include listening to calls, recording calls for training and quality assurance purposes, and generating reports on key metrics such as AHT and CSAT. 

So if you're looking to boost your agents and improve your call center's performance, give call center monitoring software a try!

Here’s a complete guide on Convin and it’s products.

How Does Convin’s Customer Experience Management Capabilities improve CSAT by 27%?

Convin is a versatile software solution that doesn’t claim to solve your contact center woos but resolves many challenges with a few capabilities. Customer management and experience creation is one area that Convin can help. 

By employing automated tools and influencing agents' performance, elevating CSAT by 27% is only a matter of time. 

Let’s dive in and learn how Convin can help with CXM.

1. Focus on active listening, and eliminate repetitive tasks

Dedicatedly working on customer-centric tasks have a higher chance of creating the best customer experience. 

Ditch note-taking and manual call review. Focus on listening to the customer and developing strategies for high-quality follow-up meetings. In parallel, switch to automated call scoring and get 100% of calls reviewed without human interference.

Capture call notes and access transcriptions.

2. Access to key customer moments

Conversation intelligence extracts critical moments from the call recordings to put forward customers' requirements for the next meeting. These key moments also reflect the customer's real intention and offer brownie points for creating a positive customer experience.

Convin is capable of capturing critical points of discussion.

3. Discover call best practices

Convin offers an intuitive insight dashboard that displays actions, behaviors, and phrases with a higher probability of call success. Investing in the best practices of top-performers ensures higher CX in every contact center conversation.

4. Nurture customer-friendly agents

Automated coaching targets and treats every agent as a unique entity and assists them in unlearning old tricks and learning customer-friendly methods. Personalized coaching can make every agent your best performing agent and ensure exceptional CX delivery in every interaction.

Agents' personalized coaching at scale helps replicate top-performing agents.

5. Proactive measures with violation alerts

One aspect of a call that can ruin customer experience is an unsolicited agent behavior that negatively impacts clients. Screaming, abusive language, misleading information, flawed statements, incorrect knowledge, and more are timely caught by Convin’s tool and alert the management team for corrective actions.

Call violation alerts and indicators help catch misconduct.

6. Learn customer sentiments

Customer sentiment presents an accurate picture of a call. How was the customer's overall experience during the call? And presents the chances of a new call or a painful goodbye.

Learn more about customers by studying their sentiments.

What Are The Product Capabilities Of Convin?

Convin monitors and analyzes 100% of calls automatically based on custom parameters set by your organization. The conversation analysis offers winning behavior identification and last-mile automated agent coaching.

Automated Quality Management

Convin’s call center tool automatically reviews 100% of customer calls, chats, and emails using custom call evaluation forms and spots agent performance challenges and unhappy customer conversations. Through automated quality management, managers and QA generate call scores that help establish coaching needs and staff dissatisfaction. 

Convin also allows auditors to do manual auditing on calls, chats, and emails and leave necessary feedback. 

Winning Behavior Identification

With the help of customer intelligence and custom-tracking , Convin presents parameters that drive positive and negative outcomes for the business. Spot violations, winning parameters,  customer sentiments, and threats to take proactive measures before customer calls.

Automated agent coaching

Convin’s system automatically generates coaching opportunities after reviewing agent performance. Based on the AI-driven call scores- good, average, and poor performers are identified, and the platform triggers personalized agent coaching based on the requirement. Coaching instances are extracted from the top performers' conversations and best practices. This method improves call handling quality and reduces supervisor escalations to a large extent.

Moreover, with Convin’s peer-to-peer coaching, managers and supervisors can add the best-performing agent’s conversations as a module into Convin’s library and assign it to agents who need further coaching. As a result of Convin’s automated agent coaching, businesses can reduce ramp-up time significantly and focus more on productivity. 

Conversation intelligence

CI records, transcribes, and analyzes conversations to generate call insights and transcriptions. The conversation intelligence software discourages manual conversation review and all other non-sales activities by automating notes, action items, and CRM entries.

Access agent performance KPI and customer experience quality criteria to produce consumable role-based reports pinpointing key challenges and opportunities. These reports are not only available on the Convin platform but are periodically emailed to the managers.

Convin’s Call Monitoring system is safe and secure

Convin is a secure and safe software platform.

At Convin, we understand the customer and call data security importance; that’s why we ensure your data is completely secure and safe in our in-house transcription and NLP engine. We ensure call data security in the following ways:

  • In-house transcription and NLP
  • Secure login and monitoring
  • Hosted on AWS
  • SSL data encryption
  • Role-based access control
  • Enterprise-grade application monitoring
  • GDPR compliant meeting recording

And before you go, as of now, Convin supports English, Hindi, and Hinglish. And it takes less than a week to get you onboarded, so don’t wait, schedule a demo right away!