Real Time Guidance

Real Time Guidance

Your call center terminology assistant is back at your service. Hi, I’m Conviner! Did you know that real-time agent assistance can save you much time and effort?

Real-time guidance can help reduce agent turnover rates.

1. What Is Real-Time Guidance?

Real-time guidance in contact centers refers to a type of support or coaching provided to agents during customer interactions, which offers immediate feedback and suggestions to help agents deliver better customer service. This can include prompts for what to say next, tips for handling a difficult situation, or reminders of company policies or best practices. 

Real-time guidance can be delivered through channels such as instant messaging, pop-up screens, or even live coaching sessions with a supervisor. The goal is to help agents improve their performance and provide a better customer experience in real-time.

2. What Is Real-Time Agent Assist?

Real-time agent assistance in contact centers refers to a set of technologies and tools that provide agents with real-time guidance and assistance during customer interactions. This can include features such as real-time speech analytics, sentiment analysis, and natural language processing, which can analyze the content and context of a conversation and provide agents with suggested responses, next-best actions, and other guidance to improve their performance. 

Real-time agent assistance can also include live coaching or support from supervisors or subject matter experts, who can provide agents with immediate feedback and help them resolve complex issues in real-time. The goal is to help agents provide better customer service, improve efficiency, and reduce errors or compliance issues, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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