Quality Management System

AI-Powered Call Center Monitoring and Evaluation

Quality management systems help organizations consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements by establishing and maintaining effective processes and controls.

Quality Management System
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Quality monitoring is crucial for any call center and sales team. You must track the interactions and ensure an agent follows the correct script. Otherwise, it may lead to a problem for you. This is why you need quality management software to ensure you get the desired results.

Companies must monitor their agents' interactions with customers to improve the quality of customer support services and increase sales. This article will examine the three main components of quality monitoring: recording, survey capabilities, and customer feedback capture. 

And how a single solution can manage all this without switching between multiple platforms to check, log, and provide feedback. 

If you are wondering which solution can do all this and more, let us tell you we are talking about Convin’s quality management platform. Our solution provides a consolidated view of customer interactions and feedback captured across call and video conferencing platforms for both live and recorded calls. 

We collect and organize customer feedback, identify key issues and trends, and use this information to improve your real-time customer experience.

But more on this later.

First, let us understand the total quality management approach, its importance, and current call auditing systems.

Download our FREE call center quality assurance scorecard checklist below.

What is a Quality Management System?

Quality management system definition
Quality management system definition

As companies increasingly compete based on their customer experience (CX), call performance is becoming a critical business focus as it contributes to sales and customer success stories. 

Many companies think workforce management systems(WFM) can help ensure you have the right number of employees on hand to meet demand—so customers are never left waiting when they call your company. 

But WFM functionality only covers part of what it takes to ensure quality customer service, where quality management (QM) comes in!

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Using a quality system or a platform like Convin, you can record sales conversations, analyze them, and review them on a single platform. And after you have screened the call, the reports get automatically sent to the concerned representatives without any effort from you. 

So what does this mean for you?

  • No switching between call recorder and Google Sheets.
  • Single platform for call auditing
  • Audit multiple calls in no time
  • Call reports are sent automatically after call auditing 

Most importantly, faster feedback would mean your reps are improving their performance faster and no echolalia tasks and time wastage. Let’s understand this in further detail.

What is the Importance of Quality Management?

Importance of call center quality assurance
Importance of call center quality assurance

No matter the industry, any company with a customer-facing organization benefits from successful and happy employees. And to ensure that, you need to obviously check how your customer-facing team is interacting with your customers:

  • What message are they conveying?
  • How are they responding to customers' questions and concerns?
  • And overall call experience the customer receives.

A QMS solution like Convin will help you answer these questions and more by capturing your sales call analytics.

Are you thinking about how a single phone call can be so important? 

Well, how your client-facing staff interacts with your customers greatly impacts whether or not they will buy from you again. In fact, studies have revealed that the success of your call center is generally connected to the performance of staff members who work there. 

This makes perfect sense when you consider how much brand loyalty plays into this process! 

Customers are more likely to return for repeat business When they are happy with their working relationship with company employees. And remember how much repeat business contributes positively to growth! 

In short, effective contact center quality management and your sales engagement affect your bottom line in a major way: it leads directly to revenue growth and overall financial success.

Now that you understand the need for this indispensable solution to improve your business’s CSAT score and customer loyalty. Before jumping to its customer satisfaction-stimulating features, let’s see how calls are audited.

Get your one-stop quality management solution today!

What are Some Challenges of Call Center Quality Assurance?

Quality assurance in call centers is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining a high level of service quality. 

However, it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges faced in call center quality assurance:

1. Variability in agent performance

Call center agents come from diverse backgrounds and skill levels, resulting in inconsistent service quality across the team. This can affect customer satisfaction and overall performance.

2. A high volume of interactions

Managing many customer interactions, including calls, chats, and emails, can overwhelm quality assurance teams, making reviewing and evaluating each interaction thoroughly challenging.

3. Subjective evaluation

Quality assurance processes often rely on subjective judgments, as different evaluators may interpret service quality differently, leading to potential assessment biases.

4. Time-intensive evaluations

The process of reviewing and analyzing customer interactions can take time and effort, potentially causing delays in providing feedback and coaching to agents.

5. Scalability issues

Maintaining consistent quality assurance practices and standards can become increasingly difficult as call centers expand or add new communication channels.

6. Technology limitations

Outdated or inefficient quality assurance tools and systems can hinder the effectiveness of the quality monitoring process, impacting the overall quality of service.

7. Compliance and evolving expectations

Ensuring agents adhere to company policies, regulations, and industry standards can be challenging. Additionally, adapting to changing customer expectations and communication channels requires continuous adjustment of quality assurance practices.

What are Quality Assurance Processes in a Call Center?

Call center quality assurance processes
Call center quality assurance processes

Quality assurance processes in a call center is a set of systematic activities and procedures to ensure that customer service meets specific quality standards and expectations. 

These processes are designed to monitor, evaluate, and improve various aspects of call center operations, aiming to deliver exceptional customer service. Here are some key quality assurance processes in a call center:

1. Call Monitoring

Call monitoring involves systematically and continuously listening to or reviewing customer interactions (phone calls, chats, emails) between agents and customers. 

Quality assurance teams or supervisors assess these interactions based on predefined criteria to evaluate agent performance, script adherence, policy compliance, and overall service quality.

2. Scorecard Evaluation

Scorecards are structured evaluation forms or checklists used to assess individual interactions or agent performance

They typically include specific criteria such as greeting, empathy, problem resolution, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Each criterion is assigned a score, and the cumulative scores help gauge overall performance.

3. Call Recording

Many call centers record customer interactions for quality assurance purposes. These recordings can be reviewed later to analyze agent behavior, identify areas for continuous quality improvement, and resolve customer disputes. It also serves as a valuable training tool.

4. Coaching and Feedback

After evaluating interactions, quality assurance teams provide feedback to agents. Constructive feedback helps agents understand their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to improve their performance. 

Coaching sessions may be held to address specific issues and provide guidance on better handling customer requirements.

5. Root Cause Analysis

When quality issues or recurring problems are identified, call centers may conduct root cause analysis to determine the underlying causes. 

This process involves a deeper investigation into the reasons behind service quality issues and implementing corrective actions to prevent a recurrence.

6. Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Quality assurance processes often involve tracking and analyzing performance metrics and KPIs, such as average handling time, first-call resolution rate, customer satisfaction scores, etc. These metrics help measure the call center's and its agents' overall effectiveness.

7. Calibration Sessions

To ensure consistency and fairness in evaluations, quality assurance teams hold calibration sessions where evaluators discuss and align their assessment criteria and scoring methodologies. This helps reduce subjectivity in the evaluation process.

8. Agent Training and Development

Based on quality assessment results, call centers provide agents with targeted training and development opportunities. This can include additional training sessions, workshops, or e-learning modules to enhance agent skills and knowledge.

9. Continuous Improvement

Quality assurance is an ongoing process that involves continuous monitoring, analysis, and improvement. Call centers regularly review and adjust their quality assurance processes to adapt to changing customer expectations, industry standards, and business needs.

10. Customer Feedback Integration

Customer feedback is valuable in assessing service quality. Call centers may integrate customer feedback, surveys, and complaints into their quality assurance processes to address issues and improve the overall customer experience.

Enhance customer experience with the perfect quality management system.

Call Center Quality Assurance Roles and Responsibilities

Call center quality assurance roles and responsibilities
Call center quality assurance roles and responsibilities

In a call center, quality assurance (QA) roles and responsibilities are critical to ensuring that customer service is delivered at a high standard and complies with company policies and standards. 

These roles typically involve a team of professionals dedicated to monitoring, evaluating, and improving the quality of customer interactions.

Here are common QA roles and their associated responsibilities:

1. Quality Assurance Analyst/Quality Assurance Specialist

  • Review and assess recorded customer interactions (calls, chats, emails).
  • Evaluate agent performance against predefined criteria and standards.
  • Use scorecards or evaluation forms to assign scores to interactions.
  • Identify areas of improvement for individual agents and the team.
  • Provide constructive feedback to agents based on evaluation results.
  • Generate reports and metrics related to quality performance.
  • Participate in calibration sessions to ensure consistency in evaluations.
  • Collaborate with training teams to develop and deliver targeted training programs.
  • Monitor adherence to company policies and regulatory requirements.

2. Quality Assurance Supervisor/Team Lead

  • Supervise and manage the QA team, including assigning tasks and workload.
  • Conduct regular performance evaluations for QA analysts.
  • Ensure that QA processes and standards are followed consistently.
  • Assist in the development and maintenance of evaluation criteria.
  • Participate in root cause analysis to address quality issues.
  • Provide coaching and mentoring to QA analysts and agents.
  • Collaborate with other departments to improve overall service quality.
  • Maintain and update QA-related documentation and procedures.

3. Quality Assurance Manager

  • Oversee the entire quality assurance program within the call center.
  • Define and set standards, quality objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Develop and implement quality assurance strategies and initiatives.
  • Conduct regular reviews and audits of QA processes for continuous improvement.
  • Analyze performance data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Liaise with other departments to align quality assurance efforts with organizational goals.
  • Manage and allocate resources for the QA department.
  • Ensure compliance with industry regulations and internal policies.
  • Prepare reports and presentations for senior management on quality performance.

4. Training and Development Specialist

  • Collaborate with QA analysts to identify training needs based on evaluation results.
  • Design and develop training programs, materials, and resources.
  • Conduct training sessions and workshops for call center agents.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of training and assess its impact on agent performance.
  • Continuously update and improve training content to reflect changing needs.
  • Provide coaching and support to agents to address skill gaps.
  • Align training programs with QA feedback to improve service quality.

5. Compliance Officer/Quality Assurance Compliance Specialist

  • Ensure agents' compliance with company policies and procedures.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry regulations and compliance requirements.
  • Conduct audits and assessments using compliance safety management systems. 
  • Identify and report any potential compliance violations.
  • Collaborate with legal and regulatory teams to address compliance issues.
  • Develop and maintain compliance-related documentation and training materials.

Call Quality Management System in High-Volume Call Centers

Call quality management system in high-volume call centers
Call quality management system in high-volume call centers

There are many ways the calls can be audited in a high-call-volume sales and customer support agency; here are the most popular ones in place right now:

1. Manual Call Auditing

Call auditing agents listen to pre-recorded calls of the agents for agent call performance and customer responses, which takes twice the time of the call. 

To succeed with quality manual auditing, they toggle between the recording software and the Google Sheets to note their feedback which they then compile and send to the agent through the mail. 

2. Automation Quality Management.

Automated quality management allows the sales enablement team to focus on high-value tasks (such as training or coaching) instead of overseeing every little detail during a call. 

AI-powered tools collect, analyze, and provide insight into customer and agent interactions. It includes automated call scoring using several NLP techniques.

3. Multichannel Interaction Auditing

Customers want to communicate with brands in the most convenient way for them. More and more people use chat via Skype or SMS to communicate with businesses and industry professionals. 

Here, quality management systems analyze the interaction between the customer, agent, or bot through all these channels.

4. Analytics Quality Management

It simply unlocks the potential hidden in any statistical data, giving your business an upper hand on success by making operations much more effective and efficient than ever before.

5. Interaction-Based Quality management

Analyzes the call after listening and understanding the tone of the conversation, interruptions, pauses, sentiments, actions, etc., to assess the interactivity of the conversation. 

Afterward, it provides training suggestions based on its assessment cues and score.

6. Enterprise-Level Quality Management

Enterprise Quality Management ensures that all departments throughout your company communicate. It is vital during those times when a business needs the help of other departments to reach the goals set forth for them by its management. 

For example, if providing excellent customer experiences is a priority for your organization, everyone from HR to BDR must understand why it matters and embrace the opportunity.

This means that quality management must work alongside every department to fulfill this business goal successfully.

How Does Convin’s Quality Management Software Increase CSAT By 27%?

Convin is a quality management system software that doesn’t claim to solve your contact center woos but resolves many challenges with a few capabilities. Multichannel support, faster response times, real-time guidance, and personalized service are some areas that Convin can help with. 

By employing automated tools and influencing agents' performance, increasing CSAT by up to 27% is only a matter of time. 

Let’s dive in and learn how Convin can help boost customer satisfaction.

1. Reduce call auditing time

With the quality management system, you can audit many sales calls and send reports from the same platform, which reduces auditing time compared to the traditional method, where call auditors use different platforms to record, audit, and send reports.

Call center coaching in quality management system software helps replicate top-performing agents.
Call center coaching in quality management system software helps replicate top-performing agents.

Create your own training materials, assign deadlines, and track your call center agents' overall improvement. 

2. Identify agent training opportunities by understanding their skills

Regular evaluation of each customer service representative will help determine if they need more training or coaching. Quality management is an ongoing process wherein agents get regular check-ups to ensure they are still settling in well and remaining competent at their jobs.

 Quality assurance system dashboard for reflecting improved customer experience
Quality assurance system dashboard for reflecting improved customer experience

3. Reduction in agent ramp-up time 

Enhance your call center’s agent performance metrics by transcribing, monitoring, and analyzing calls, chats, and emails via Convin. Boost CSAT by 27% and reduce ramp-up time by 60%. 

Implement 100% automated quality assurance and carry out 100% compliance monitoring. Convin shoots your agents’ performance to new heights and, as a result, helps you achieve lower customer service representative ramp-up and heightened CSAT. 

4. Proactive measures with violation alerts

One aspect of a call that can ruin customer experience is unsolicited agent behavior that negatively impacts clients. Wrong information, unresolved grievances, long hold times, incorrect knowledge, and more are timely caught by Convin’s tool and alert the management team for corrective actions.

Compliance violation report available on Convin’s quality management system software
Compliance violation report available on Convin’s quality management system software

5. Real-time coaching

Real-time proactive alerts and suggestions in quality management system software
Real-time proactive alerts and suggestions in quality management system software

Real-time coaching aids in training agents during calls. Agents can be coached during live calls with various features, including suggestions, battlecards, guided scripts, access to the knowledge base, etc. 

6. Increase Customer Retention.

Improves customer retention by monitoring 100% of interactions, which helps an entrepreneur evaluate how well an employee interacts with the customer, bringing accountability to the agents for retaining customers.

Evaluate the Best Quality Management System Software Tool

What Are The Product Capabilities Of Convin’s Quality Management System Software?

Convin monitors and analyzes 100% of calls automatically based on custom parameters set by your organization. The conversation analysis offers winning behavior identification and last-mile automated agent coaching. 

  1. Automated Quality Management

Convin’s quality management system software tool automatically reviews 100% of customer calls using custom call evaluation forms and spots agent performance challenges and unhappy customer conversations. Through automated quality management, call center managers and QA generate call scores that help audit more calls with the same number of quality assurance (QA) managers and establish coaching needs and staff dissatisfaction. 

  1. Call Behavior Analysis

With the help of conversation insights and deal status, Convin presents parameters that drive positive and negative outcomes for the business. Spot violations, winning parameters,  customer sentiments, and threats to take proactive measures before the customer calls.

  1. Agent Assist

Agent Assist aids in the call center quality management system by providing real-time guidance and support to customer service agents during interactions. It ensures that agents follow best practices, maintain compliance, and deliver quality customer service. With features like guided scripts, proactive alerts, and dynamic battlecards, it equips agents with the tools to handle various scenarios effectively, making it an invaluable asset for improving agent performance in call centers.

  1. Learning management system

The integrated knowledge base stores all documents the auditing or documentation team uploads. Agents can search for phrases to quickly find the most accurate answers and procedures, ensuring prompt and precise responses to customer queries.

  1. Quality management software

Automated quality management software enhances call center operations by efficiently monitoring and analyzing customer interactions. Unlike manual methods, this free software covers 100% of conversations, providing immediate feedback, flagging compliance violations, and enabling personalized customer service.

Customizable scoring templates and omnichannel support ensure comprehensive quality assurance and elevate customer service quality, making it an essential tool for call center success.

Convin’s Quality Management System Software is safe and secure

Convin is a secure and safe quality management system solution

At Convin, we understand the customer and call data security important; that’s why we ensure your data is entirely secure and safe in our in-house transcription and NLP engine. We guarantee all data security in the following ways:

  • In-house transcription and NLP
  • Secure login and monitoring
  • Hosted on AWS
  • SSL data encryption
  • Role-based access control
  • Enterprise-grade application monitoring
  • GDPR-compliant meeting recording

And before you go, as of now, Convin supports languages beyond English. And it takes only 2-3 weeks to get you onboarded. Try a quality management system for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is QC in BPO?
QC in BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) stands for "Quality Control." It involves monitoring and assessing the accuracy, efficiency, and compliance of processes within a BPO organization to ensure they meet predefined standards.

2. What is the role of quality in a call center?
The role of quality in a call center is to maintain and enhance the overall customer service experience. Quality ensures that agents provide accurate, efficient, and consistent customer assistance, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. What is QA for customer service?
QA (Quality Assurance) for customer service involves processes and practices aimed at monitoring, evaluating, and improving the quality of customer interactions in various channels, such as phone calls, chats, and emails. The goal is to ensure customer service meets or exceeds established standards and aligns with company objectives, ultimately leading to positive customer experiences.

4. What is an example of a QMS system?
A quality management system example is ISO 9001, a widely used international standard for quality management in various industries.

5. What are the 4 types, 7 principles of QMS, and 12 elements of quality management system?
The 4 Types of QMS are ISO 9001: Quality Management System, ISO 14001: Environmental Management System, ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and ISO 27001: Information Security Management System. The 7 Principles of QMS are Customer Focus, Leadership, Engagement of People, Process Approach, Improvement, Evidence-Based Decision Making, Relationship Management, and 12 Elements of Quality Management System (based on ISO 9001) are Leadership and Commitment, Quality Policy, Planning, Risk-Based Thinking, Support, Operation, Performance Evaluation, Monitoring and Measurement, Continual Improvement, Customer Focus, Engagement of People, and Process Approach.