Agent Assist

Agent Assist vs. Real-Time Guidance: Key Differences

Abhishek Punyani
March 15, 2024
 mins read

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In today's fast-paced call center environment, equipping agents with the right tools and technologies is crucial for delivering exceptional customer service. This blog delves into two innovative solutions transforming the industry: Agent Assist and Real-Time Guidance. While both aim to enhance agent performance and customer satisfaction, they differ in approach and application. 

We'll explore what each technology entails, compare their features in a detailed tabular form, and discuss their implementation in call centers. Whether you're considering Agent Assist or Real-Time Guidance for your call center, understanding these tools' nuances will empower you to make an informed decision that best suits your organization's needs and goals.

Upgrade your call center's efficiency with Convin’s Real-Time Guidance and Agent Assist!

What is Agent Assist in Call Centers?

Agent Assist in call centers isn't just a tool; it's a transformative platform that leverages AI to redefine how customer interactions are managed. Let's explore its facets in greater detail:

1. Real-Time Guidance

  • Imagine an agent engaging with a frustrated customer over a complex billing issue. Agent Assist can instantly analyze the conversation's tone and context, suggesting the agent use empathetic language and offer specific solutions, thereby de-escalating the situation.
  • It's like having an expert supervisor whisper the best course of action in real time, tailored to each unique customer interaction.

2. Guided Script

  • Agents are often required to handle diverse queries. A guided script feature in Agent Assist ensures that no matter the query's complexity, agents have a roadmap, ensuring consistency and thoroughness in responses.
  • For instance, the script can guide the agent through a step-by-step troubleshooting protocol in a technical support call, ensuring no crucial steps are missed.

3. Proactive Alerts & Suggestions

  • Proactive alerts serve as an early warning system. If an agent is veering off-script or a customer's sentiment turns negative, Agent Assist can alert the agent to course-correct in real-time.
  • For example, if a customer's language suggests growing impatience, Agent Assist can prompt the agent to acknowledge the frustration and expedite resolution.

4. Dynamic Battlecards

Experience the power of dynamic battlecards with our Real-Time Monitoring Tool
Experience the power of dynamic battlecards with our Real-Time Monitoring Tool
  • These are like cheat sheets that adapt to the conversation's flow. If a customer mentions a competitor, Agent Assist can provide real-time insights and talking points to help the agent position their product effectively.
  • In a sales scenario, if a customer expresses a specific need or concern, Agent Assist can suggest a tailored product feature that addresses that exact need.

5. Knowledge Base Integration

  • Instant access to a vast repository of information means agents can quickly pull up product details, policies, or troubleshooting steps, reducing hold times and improving resolution speed.
  • If a customer inquires about a complex service term during a call, the agent can instantly retrieve and explain that information, enhancing clarity and trust.

6. Real-Time Analysis

  • Beyond offering immediate guidance, Agent Assist continuously analyzes performance, providing agents and managers with actionable insights to refine strategies and improve future interactions.
  • After each call, agents can receive feedback on areas of strength and improvement opportunities, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Real-time guidance in call centers refers to the continuous support and assistance provided to agents during live interactions with customers. This guidance is typically powered by a real-time monitoring tool, which analyzes conversations as they happen and offers immediate feedback and suggestions to agents.

What is Real-Time Guidance in Call Centers?

Real-time guidance acts as a navigation system for agents, steering them through the intricacies of customer interactions with precision and insight. 

1. Live Assist

  • This feature empowers agents with instant information and advice, akin to a co-pilot in customer service scenarios. Whether it's suggesting responses, providing product information, or navigating complex systems, live assist is there to support.
  • During a high-stress call, live assist can suggest calming phrases or offer quick access to policy details to address customer concerns effectively.

2. Real-Time Monitoring Examples

  • Consider a call center where agents handle technical support for a software product. A real-time monitoring tool can analyze incoming calls for keywords or phrases indicating common issues, guiding agents to resolve them swiftly.
  • In another scenario, real-time monitoring might detect that a particular issue is escalating across multiple calls, signaling the need for broader, proactive measures.

3. Real-Time Monitoring System/Application

  • These systems are the eyes and ears of the call center, constantly gauging the pulse of customer interactions and agent performance. They provide a holistic view of operations, helping managers identify trends, bottlenecks, and training opportunities.
  • For example, if a new software update leads to an influx of calls, the monitoring system can identify this trend, allowing managers to adjust staffing or provide targeted training.

4. Real-Time Monitoring Benefits

  • The advantages are manifold, including enhanced customer satisfaction through swift, informed responses, improved agent performance via instant feedback, and reduced average handle time as agents are guided to efficient resolutions.
  • Additionally, these systems foster a learning environment, where real-time data and feedback drive continuous improvement and adaptation to the evolving customer service landscape.

Real-time guidance is pivotal in shaping the future of call center operations. By providing agents with the tools they need to excel in real time, these technologies not only enhance the customer experience but also empower agents, fostering a more dynamic, responsive, and effective call center environment.

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What are the Differences Between Agent Assist and Real-Time Guidance?

Navigating the landscape of call center technologies, two pivotal solutions stand out for their ability to transform customer interactions: Agent Assist and Real-Time Guidance. 

While both systems are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of call center agents, they serve distinct functions and offer unique benefits.

How a Real-Time Monitoring Tool distinguishes Agent Assist from Real-Time Guidance in action
How a Real-Time Monitoring Tool distinguishes Agent Assist from Real-Time Guidance in action

Implementing Agent Assist and Real-Time Guidance in Call Centers!

Implementing Agent Assist and Real-Time Guidance systems is a strategic move that can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of call center operations. Here’s a more in-depth look at each process step, complete with use case scenarios and examples.

1. Assessment

  • Identify Needs: Conduct a thorough analysis of your call center's current performance. Identify specific challenges, such as high average handle times (AHT), low customer satisfaction scores, or inconsistent agent performance.
  • Set Objectives: Define what success looks like for your implementation. Whether it's reducing AHT, increasing customer satisfaction, or improving first-call resolution rates, having clear goals will guide your decision-making process.
  • Use Case Scenario: If your analysis reveals that agents struggle with providing quick resolutions due to a lack of immediate access to information, this indicates a strong case for implementing real-time guidance systems.

2. Technology Selection

  • Research Options: Explore different Agent Assist and Real-Time Guidance solutions. Look for tools that offer the features you need, such as real-time suggestions, monitoring capabilities, and integration with existing databases or CRM systems.
  • Compatibility Check: Ensure the selected technology can be integrated seamlessly with your current infrastructure to avoid disruptions and ensure smooth operation.
  • Use Case Scenario: Choose a Real-Time Monitoring Tool that offers live assist capabilities if your goal is to provide agents with immediate feedback and suggestions during calls.

3. Training

  • Develop Training Programs: Create comprehensive training programs that cover how to use the new systems effectively. Include practical exercises and simulations to facilitate learning.
  • Continuous Learning: Implement ongoing training and refresher courses to ensure that agents remain proficient in using the tools.
  • Use Case Scenario: Conduct role-play scenarios where agents practice using Live Assist features to navigate complex customer queries, enhancing their problem-solving skills in real-time scenarios.

4. Monitoring

  • Set KPIs: Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of the new systems on your call center's performance. Common KPIs include AHT, customer satisfaction scores, and resolution rates.
  • Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews to analyze the data and assess whether the tools are meeting the set objectives. Adjust strategies as needed based on these insights.
  • Use Case Scenario: If Real-Time Monitoring reveals that certain agents are consistently missing upsell opportunities, targeted training can be provided to address this issue.

5. Real-Time Monitoring Benefits

  • Enhanced Agent Performance: By providing agents with real-time feedback and guidance, they can quickly adapt their strategies, leading to more effective problem-solving and customer interaction.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Real-time data collection and analysis enable managers to make informed decisions that can improve overall call center performance.

6. Examples

  • Real-Time Monitoring Example: A call center implements a real-time monitoring system that alerts agents when a call is going off-script or deviating from compliance standards, allowing for immediate correction and learning.
  • Agent Assist Example: In a scenario where a customer is frustrated with a billing issue, Agent Assist can quickly provide the agent with account history and suggest potential solutions, streamlining the resolution process.

By thoughtfully implementing these systems, call centers can transform operations and provide a more dynamic, responsive, and customer-centric service experience.

Which is Better: Real-Time Guidance or Agent Assist?

The choice between real-time guidance and Agent Assist depends on your call center's specific needs. Real-time guidance is ideal for standardizing performance and ensuring consistency, while Agent Assist is better suited for enhancing the quality of interactions with a more personalized approach. 

Both aim to improve customer service, but their effectiveness will vary based on your center's unique challenges and objectives.

1. Real-Time Guidance

a. Standardization and Consistency: Real-time guidance excels in ensuring that all agents adhere to the same high standards of service, maintaining consistency across customer interactions.

b. Immediate Feedback: Agents receive instant feedback and instructions, which is crucial for quick decision-making and immediate performance adjustments.

c. Use Case Scenario: For a call center with a high volume of similar, repetitive inquiries, real-time guidance can ensure that all agents are delivering uniform and accurate responses.

d. Example: In a technical support call center, real-time guidance could instantly provide an agent with troubleshooting steps for a common software issue, ensuring that the customer receives a quick and effective solution.

e. Real-Time Monitoring Benefits: Includes improved agent performance, enhanced customer satisfaction due to quicker resolutions, and a more efficient training process for new agents.

2. Agent Assist

a. Personalized Interactions: Agent Assist provides tailored suggestions and guidance based on the context of each customer interaction, allowing for more personalized and effective service.

b. Adaptive Learning: It uses AI and machine learning to adapt and improve its suggestions over time, learning from past interactions to provide even more relevant and impactful guidance.

c. Use Case Scenario: In a sales-oriented call center, Agent Assist can analyze customer cues and previous interactions to suggest personalized upselling or cross-selling opportunities to agents.

d. Example: If a customer calls about a specific product, Agent Assist can prompt the agent with related products or accessories, enhancing sales opportunities and customer experience.

e. Benefits: Enhances customer engagement by providing personalized experiences, improves agent decision-making with contextual guidance, and potentially increases sales and customer satisfaction.

3. Comparison in Use Cases

a. Real-Time Monitoring Tool: Ideal for environments where consistency and adherence to standard procedures are crucial, like in technical support or compliance-focused call centers.

b. Live Assist: Enhances live interactions by offering agents real-time data and insights, beneficial in dynamic environments where customer queries vary significantly.

c. Agent Assist: Best suited for scenarios where customer interactions require a degree of personalization and adaptability, such as in sales or service call centers that deal with a wide range of inquiries.

Both Real-Time Guidance and Agent Assist offer distinct advantages. The choice between them should be guided by your call center's specific needs, the nature of the interactions handled, and the outcomes you wish to achieve. 

Whether it's the consistency and immediacy of Real-Time Guidance or the personalized and adaptive nature of Agent Assist, selecting the right tool can significantly enhance your call center's efficiency and customer satisfaction levels.

Enhancing Call Center Efficiency with the Right Tools

The decision to implement Real-Time Guidance or Agent Assist in your call center boils down to your operation's unique demands and objectives. 

Real-time guidance shines in scenarios requiring high consistency and immediate feedback, making it a staple for environments where standardization is key. 

On the other hand, Agent Assist offers a more nuanced and personalized approach, ideal for situations where customer interactions are diverse and require a tailored response.

By selecting the tool that best meets your call center's needs, you can ensure improved performance metrics and a more satisfied and loyal customer base.

Ultimately, whether you choose Real-Time Guidance for its consistency and immediate feedback or Agent Assist for its personalized and adaptive support, you're taking a significant step toward transforming your call center's operational dynamics. By leveraging the right technology, you're poised to meet the industry's evolving demands while setting new standards in customer service excellence.

Unlock the potential of Real-Time Guidance and Agent Assist for your call center; connect with Convin today to learn more!


1. How do I monitor real time data?
Utilize real-time monitoring tools or software that continuously track and analyze data as it's generated, allowing for immediate insights and actions.

2. What does live monitoring mean?
Live monitoring refers to the process of observing and analyzing activities or data in real-time, typically to ensure operational efficiency and address issues promptly.

3. What is real time monitoring in banking?
In banking, real-time monitoring involves continuously tracking financial transactions and activities to detect and prevent fraud, ensure compliance, and enhance customer service.

4. What is remote real time monitoring?
Remote real-time monitoring allows for the observation and analysis of data or systems from a distance, often using cloud-based technologies to track performance and alert to issues instantly.

5. What is real time monitoring and its benefits?
Real-time monitoring is the continuous tracking of data or activities, offering benefits such as immediate issue detection, enhanced decision-making, and increased operational efficiency.

6. What is an example of real monitoring? 
An example of real monitoring is a network operations center using real-time dashboards to detect and respond to network anomalies as they occur.

7. Why is RTA important in a call center? 
Real-Time Adherence (RTA) is crucial in call centers to ensure agents adhere to their schedules, optimizing workforce management and maintaining service level agreements.

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