Contact Center

Call Center Quality Assurance Checklist For The Best QA Scorecard

Rimlee Patgiri
July 27, 2023
 mins read

Last modified on

January 23, 2024

Ensuring consistent and exceptional customer experiences is a top priority for contact centers. However, organizations struggle to drive overall operational excellence without a robust call center quality assurance scorecard and the right QA checklist. 

This results in inconsistent service quality, increased customer dissatisfaction, and missed opportunities for growth. 

To address these challenges and elevate the performance of contact centers, it is crucial to build a quality assurance scorecard with the right QA checklist. 

By doing so, contact centers can establish clear evaluation criteria, streamline assessment processes, and empower agents to deliver outstanding customer interactions. 

This blog will discuss building a QA scorecard to enhance contact center operations and improve customer experiences. Additionally, you can use the FREE call center QA checklist available below in the blog, curated with respect to your industry requirements. 

Book a demo to build your call center quality assurance scorecard.

What Is A Call Center Quality Assurance Checklist?

A call center QA checklist is a structured document that outlines specific criteria, guidelines, and standards used to evaluate agent performance. It also assesses the quality of client interactions.

This call quality checklist is a reference tool for call center managers and QA professionals that ensures consistency, objectivity, and adherence to predefined quality standards.

Get expert help in building a call center quality assurance checklist.

How To Improve Quality Assurance In Call Centers?

Quality Assurance In Call Centers

Quality Assurance (QA) is key to ensuring excellent customer service in call centers.

Here are some practical tips to improve QA in call centers:

1. Define Clear Quality Standards: Establish specific quality standards that align with the organization's goals and customer expectations.

Clearly communicate these standards to all agents and call center QA professionals. This ensures a consistent understanding of performance expectations.

2. Regularly Train and Develop Agents: Invest in comprehensive training programs to equip agents with the necessary skills to meet quality standards. 

Regularly assess training needs and provide development opportunities to enhance employee performance to improve customer interactions.

Create sharp rebuttals with best practices for better agent performance.
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3. Implement Effective Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop a robust call monitoring process to assess reps’ performance systematically. 

Utilize call recording and analytics tools to capture client interactions. Evaluate them against predefined quality criteria. Ensure evaluations are fair and consistent; provide actionable feedback to agents.

4. Foster Agent Involvement and Feedback: Involve agents in the contact center QA process by seeking their input and feedback. 

Encourage agents to share their insights and suggestions for process improvement. This involvement enhances agent buy-in, improves morale, and creates a collaborative environment for enhancing QA practices.

Convin follows a strong rebuttal management system. Once QA performs the manual auditing, the respective agent accepts the call score or can flag the audit along with the required feedback. The auditor is notified via a detailed email if there are any instances of rebuttals/ disputes.

5. Regularly Review and Update QA Processes: Continuously review and update QA processes to adapt to changing customer expectations, industry standards, and technological advancements. 

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the call center quality checklist, evaluation criteria, and performance metrics to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with evolving needs.

Read about the customer satisfaction performance metrics in 2023.

6. Promote Knowledge Sharing and Best Practices: Encourage knowledge sharing among call center agents and QA professionals to promote the exchange of best practices. 

Create platforms or forums for call center agents to share success stories, challenges, and strategies for delivering exceptional customer service.

Learning management system for better call center quality assurance
Knowledge base for call center agents ensuring enhanced contact center QA

7. Leverage Technology: Explore the most appropriate solution, which can include various technologies, such as speech analytics, quality monitoring software, and customer feedback systems, to streamline QA processes.

Automation can save time, increase efficiency, and provide more accurate evaluations. An example of a contact center QA checklist template is depicted below.

Common challenges with call center QA checklist
Common challenges with call center QA checklist
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Customer Service Quality Assurance Checklist Template

Call center quality assurance checklist template for Customer Service
Call center quality assurance checklist template for Customer Service

Download our free QA checklist

Call Center Quality Assurance Metrics With Examples

Call center quality assurance metrics
Call center quality assurance metrics

Call center QA metrics are specific measurements used to evaluate the performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of call center operations. 

Here are some commonly used metrics, along with examples:

1. First Call Resolution (FCR): Measures the percentage of customer issues or inquiries resolved during the initial call.

Example: FCR is 85%, indicating that 85% of customer issues were resolved without requiring further follow-up.

2. Average Handle Time (AHT): Calculates the average duration of customer calls, including talk time, hold time, and any post-call work. 

Example: AHT is 4 minutes, indicating the average time agents spend handling each customer call.

3. Call Abandonment Rate: Indicates the percentage of callers who hang up or abandon their calls before reaching an agent. 

Example: The abandonment rate is 10%, meaning that 10% of callers disconnect before connecting with an agent.

4. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Gauges client satisfaction levels through post-call surveys or feedback. 

Example: CSAT score is 4.5 out of 5, indicating high client satisfaction with the call center service.

5. Quality Scores: Evaluations conducted by QA teams to measure the quality of agent interactions based on predefined criteria and standards. 

Example: Agent A receives a quality score of 95%, indicating high adherence to quality standards.

Book a demo and create your QA checklist.

11 Key Elements In A Quality Assurance Call Center Checklist

Key elements in a quality assurance call center checklist
Key elements in a quality assurance call center checklist

A call center quality assurance checklist typically includes the following key elements:

  1. Greeting and Opening: Assessing how agents initiate the call, greet the customer, and set a positive tone for the interaction.
  1. Active Listening: Evaluating agents' ability to listen attentively, understand customer needs, and ask relevant questions for clarification.
  1. Communication Skills: Assessing agents' verbal and written communication abilities, including clarity, professionalism, and the use of appropriate language.
  1. Product/Service Knowledge: Checking agents' understanding of the products or services offered by the call center, ensuring they can provide accurate and relevant information to customers.
  1. Problem Resolution: Evaluating agents' problem-solving skills and ability to efficiently and effectively address customer issues.
  1. Call Handling: Assessing how agents manage the call process, including call flow, call control, and appropriate use of call center tools and systems.
  1. Politeness and Empathy: Evaluating agents' demeanor, politeness, and empathy towards customers, creating a positive and friendly customer experience.
  1. Compliance and Adherence: Ensuring agents follow call center protocols, scripts, and any legal or regulatory requirements relevant to the industry.
  1. Documentation and Call Notes: Assessing agents' ability to accurately document customer interactions, including relevant details, requests, or actions taken during the call.
  1. Closing the Call: Evaluate how agents conclude the call, summarize key points, offer assistance, and thank the customer for their interaction.
  1. Customer Satisfaction: Measuring customer satisfaction through post-call surveys, feedback, or other client satisfaction metrics to gauge the overall quality of the customer experience.

Overall, a call center quality assurance checklist for customer service is essential to ensure consistent service delivery, standardize expectations, and evaluate agent performance

Considering all the key elements mentioned above, a call center QA template can be created.

Tips And Tools For Call Center Quality Assurance

Tips and tools for better contact center quality assurance
Tips and tools for better contact center quality assurance

Tips for Call Center Quality Assurance:

  1. Regular Feedback and Coaching: Provide consistent feedback and coaching to agents based on QA evaluations. Offer constructive guidance to help them improve their performance and address areas of opportunity.
  2. Agent Involvement in QA Process: Involve agents in the contact center QA process by encouraging self-assessment and self-monitoring. Empower them to identify areas for improvement and actively participate in their own professional development.
Empowering agents by self-assessment in the contact center QA process
Empowering agents by self-assessment in the contact center QA process
  1. Continuous Training and Development: Offer agents ongoing training and development opportunities to enhance their skills, product knowledge, and customer service techniques. Keep them updated on industry trends and best practices.

Tools for Call Center Quality Control Checklist

  1. Call Recording and Monitoring Systems: Utilize call recording and monitoring systems to capture client interactions for evaluation purposes. These tools enable QA professionals to review calls and accurately assess employee performance.
  2. Quality Management Software: Implement quality management software that streamlines the QA process, automates evaluations, and tracks call center performance metrics. Such tools can generate detailed reports and analytics to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  3. Speech Analytics: Use speech analytics software to analyze customer speech automatically. These tools can identify keywords, sentiments, and patterns, providing insights into employee performance, client satisfaction, and areas for improvement.

Make The Perfect Call Center Quality Assurance Checklist

Creating the perfect contact center QA checklist is vital for delivering a positive customer experience. By defining clear standards, involving agents, and utilizing advanced tools, you can drive continuous improvement and elevate your contact center's performance. 

Take the next step towards optimizing your contact center QA process by signing up for our product today. Get on a call to experience the power of Convin’s comprehensive contact center quality assurance checklist and unlock the full potential of your contact center.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do QA do in a call center?

QA (Quality Assurance) professionals are critical in maintaining and improving customer service standards in a call center. 

Their responsibilities include monitoring and evaluating agent performance during client interactions, ensuring compliance with established guidelines and regulations, and measuring key performance indicators.

2. What is a QA checklist?

A contact center quality assurance checklist is a structured document that outlines the criteria and processes for evaluating agent performance in a call center. 

It includes guidelines for call handling, professionalism, compliance, resolution time, and customer satisfaction. 

It ensures consistent assessments, standardizes the evaluation process, and helps identify areas for improvement in customer service.

3. What is process checklist in quality assurance?

A process checklist in quality assurance is a tool used to ensure that all required steps and activities are completed correctly and consistently during a particular process or workflow. 

It outlines specific tasks, procedures, and quality standards that need to be followed to achieve desired outcomes and maintain quality control.

4. What are QA metrics in call center?

QA metrics in a call center are specific measurements used to evaluate the quality and performance of customer interactions and agent behaviors. These metrics provide valuable insights into the call center operations' effectiveness and help identify improvement areas. 

Some common call center metrics used in call centers include:

  • First Call Resolution (FCR): Measures the percentage of customer issues resolved on the initial call, indicating efficient problem resolution.
  • Average Handle Time (AHT): Calculates the average duration of customer calls, providing insights into agent productivity and efficiency.
  • Call Abandonment Rate: Indicates the number of callers who hang up before reaching an agent, highlighting potential wait times or call routing issues.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Gauges customer satisfaction levels through post-call surveys, providing valuable feedback on the overall customer experience.
  • Quality Scores: Assess agent interactions based on predefined criteria, ensuring adherence to standards and consistent service quality.
  • Compliance Rate: Evaluates agent adherence to regulatory requirements, minimizing legal and regulatory risks.
  • Call Monitoring Results: Measures the outcomes of call monitoring and evaluations, identifying areas for improvement and maintaining service quality.

5. How do you train QA in a call center?

Training QA professionals in a call center involves providing comprehensive materials on policies, standards, and evaluation criteria.

Some of them include: 

  • Conducting training sessions.
  • Demonstrating sample evaluations.
  • Fostering calibration sessions.
  • Ensure consistent assessment. 
  • Ongoing coaching and feedback.
  • Promoting continuous learning.

6. What Makes A Good Call Center Quality Analyst?

A good call center Quality Analyst is detail-oriented, analytical, and possesses strong communication skills. They have subject matter expertise, maintain objectivity, adapt to change, and continuously seek opportunities for learning and improvement.

7. What are some of the call center quality assurance responsibilities?

Some of the call center quality assurance responsibilities include monitoring and evaluating performance, assessing adherence to quality standards, providing feedback and coaching to agents, analyzing customer interactions, identifying areas for improvement, and driving continuous improvement initiatives.

8. What is QA's main objective?

The main objective of QA (Quality Assurance) is to ensure and improve the quality of products or services.

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