Contact Center

10 Best Call Center Quality Monitoring Software For 2023

Rimlee Patgiri
April 27, 2023
 mins read

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Call quality monitoring is critical to customer service operations. It involves using tools and software to assess the quality of interactions between customers and agents.

The objective is to ensure that agents provide exceptional customer service, adhere to company policies, and deliver accurate information. Therefore, implementing the right call quality monitoring software can help businesses take off positively. 

This blog will discuss the 10 best call quality monitoring software to help you evaluate the software based on your call quality requirement and achieve CX goals.

What is Quality Assurance Process?
What is Quality Assurance Process?

What is Call Quality Monitoring?

Call Quality Monitoring (CQM) is a process of monitoring and evaluating the quality of voice calls over a communication network (such as a telephone or VoIP network) in real time or after the call. 

The aim of CQM is to ensure that calls are free from issues such as echo, noise, distortion, or other impairments that can affect the user experience. CQM can also help to identify network or system issues that may impact call quality.

Want to see how customer service calls are analyzed?

Importance of Call Quality Monitoring

Call Quality Monitoring ensures high-quality voice communication in organizations. It helps maintain overall satisfaction by providing precise and uninterrupted calls. 

By identifying and resolving poor call quality issues, CQM can improve network optimization, problem resolution, and cost savings.

In some industries, compliance with regulations and standards requires the monitoring and recording of phone calls for quality control. 

As a result, CQM plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability and performance of communication systems while ensuring that customers receive the best possible experience.

Also, check out our Speech Analytics Evaluation Checklist for free.

The Benefits of Analyzing Customer Service Calls By Quality Assurance Software

Effective Call Quality Monitoring is important for several reasons:

1. Customer Satisfaction

Monitoring call quality helps ensure that customers receive high-quality voice calls, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

One of the benefits of call quality monitoring software is network optimization.
One of the benefits of call quality monitoring software is network optimization.

2. Network Optimization

CQM can help identify areas for improvement in the network and systems, leading to better call quality and more efficient use of network resources.

3. Problem Resolution

By monitoring call quality, organizations can quickly identify and provide quick resolutions to issues affecting call quality, improving the reliability and performance of their communication systems.

4. Compliance

In some industries, such as financial services and healthcare, compliance with regulations and standards requires monitoring and recording of calls for quality control purposes.

5. Cost Savings

By detecting and fixing call quality issues, organizations can save costs associated with repeat calls, lost customers, and increased support requests.

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Top Call Center Quality Monitoring Software

10 Best Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Top Call Center Quality Monitoring Software

1. Talkdesk

Talkdesk is a cloud-based contact center software that provides businesses with a complete suite of tools for delivering exceptional customer experiences. 

With its intuitive interface and flexible architecture, Talkdesk makes it easy for businesses to manage and optimize customer interactions–whether they handle incoming calls, chats, emails, or social media requests.

Talkdesk Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Talkdesk Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Advanced call routing and IVR: Talkdesk's advanced call routing and IVR direct interactions to the right agent or department based on language, wait time, and availability.
  • Intelligent omnichannel interactions: This platform enables businesses to interact with customers across multiple channels, including phone, chat, email, and social media. 
  • Real-time and historical reporting: Talkdesk offers real-time and historical reporting to track quality metrics like call volume, handle time, and FCR, enabling businesses to optimize overall performance.
  • Automated workflows: The software's automation capabilities streamline repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and allow agents to focus on more complex tasks.

AI-powered voice analytics: The software's AI-powered voice quality analytics provide valuable insights into customer interactions, helping businesses improve CSAT, increase sales, and reduce churn.

2. Scorebuddy

Scorebuddy is a comprehensive contact center quality assurance software designed to streamline and automate the quality monitoring process

With Scorebuddy, organizations can monitor calls, chats, and emails in real-time to identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Scorebuddy Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Scorebuddy Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Real-time monitoring: Scorebuddy enables managers to monitor interactions in real-time and provide instant feedback to agents.
  • Customizable evaluation criteria: The software offers a wide range of customizable evaluation criteria that can be used to assess agent behaviors and ensure compliance with company policies.
  • Automated reporting: Scorebuddy generates automated reports that provide insights into agent performance, call quality, and compliance with established guidelines.
  • Integration with existing systems: The software integrates seamlessly with existing contact center systems, making it easy to use and implement.
  • Customizable dashboards: The software's customizable dashboards visually represent key metrics and performance indicators, facilitating managers to track performance and make data-driven decisions.
  • Advanced analytics: Scorebuddy provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, including trend analysis and forecasting, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about their operations and customer experience.

3. Convin is a cutting-edge Omnichannel Contact Center software that provides real-time feedback, analytics, and personalized training to improve the performance of call center agents. With its user-friendly interface, streamlines the call quality assurance processes, making it easier for managers to monitor, evaluate, and provide guidance to their sales and customer service reps.

Convin Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Convin Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Automated QA: Convin provides automated QA that audits 100% of calls, chats, and emails. The insights generated by Convin are used across various factors, including win-loss behavior analysis and customer intelligence. 
  • Advanced Analytics: Convin collects vast amounts of data on calls and provides deep insights into call performance in the form of quality scores, enabling managers to identify areas for improvement.
  • Automated Coaching: The software uses artificial intelligence to generate personalized training and development plans for each agent based on their unique strengths and weaknesses.
  • Easy-to-Use Interface: The platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it simple for customer service managers to monitor calls and provide agent feedback.
  • Integration with CRM and Phone Systems: integrates seamlessly with popular CRM and phone systems, allowing managers to view call data and agent behaviors from one centralized platform.
  • Automated Compliance Monitoring: Convin ensures that your call center complies with regulations and standards by providing detailed reporting and archiving capabilities.
  • Quality management system: With Convin, one can selectively perform manual audits with system-recommended lists of conversations that provide a seamless and efficient quality assurance experience.
  • Learning management system: Convin’s learning management system contains its own library that provides assessments and automated coaching to reduce agent ramp-up time by up to 60%.

4. Klaus

Klaus is a cloud-based contact center QA software that helps organizations improve customer experience and boost agent performance. It is a tool that allows businesses to monitor and evaluate real-time interactions between agents and customers, allowing managers to provide instant feedback and coaching. 

The software provides a comprehensive solution for the QA process and compliance monitoring, empowering organizations to ensure that their customer service teams deliver exceptional service at all times.

Klaus Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Klaus Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Klaus provides real-time monitoring of customer interactions, so managers can evaluate agent performance as it is happening.
  • Customizable Evaluation Forms: The software comes with customizable evaluation forms that can be tailored to suit an organization's specific needs.
  • Automated Reporting: Klaus provides automated reporting helping managers stay on top of their call QA metrics. Reports can be customized to show only meaningful metrics to an organization.
  • Feedback and Coaching: The software provides instant feedback and coaching to agents, helping them to improve their performance in real time.
  • Integration: Klaus integrates seamlessly with other tools organizations use, such as CRM, helpdesk, and telephony systems.
  • Compliance Management: The software includes features for compliance management, ensuring that businesses stay compliant with industry regulations and standards.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Klaus has a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and navigate. It provides an intuitive and efficient way to monitor and evaluate customer interactions.

5. Aircall

Aircall is a cloud-based contact center software that provides an all-in-one solution for businesses looking to improve their customer service and sales operations.

Aircall Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Aircall Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Cloud-based phone system: Aircall provides a fully-integrated phone system with call routing, hold music, and call transfer features that help businesses streamline their phone operations and improve overall customer service.
  • Integrations: Aircall integrates with popular tools like CRMs, support ticketing systems, and project management tools, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.
  • Real-time analytics: Aircall provides real-time insights into key performance metrics like call volume, duration, and agent performance, enabling businesses to monitor and optimize their contact center operations.
  • Automated call distribution: Aircall's automated call distribution routes calls to the most appropriate agent based on skill set, language, and availability, improving FCR rates and reducing customer wait times.
  • IVR and voice recognition: Aircall's IVR system offers a self-service option for customers' essential queries, freeing agents to tackle complex issues. The voice recognition feature facilitates easy navigation, allowing customers to get the information they need quickly.

6. Tethr

Tethr is a cloud-based contact center QA software that aims to revolutionize customer experience by providing businesses with powerful insights and intelligence.

Tethr Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Tethr Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Voice Analytics: Tethr provides a deep understanding of customer interactions through advanced voice analytics, which helps to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior.
  • Quality Management: The software includes various quality management tools that enable managers to monitor, evaluate and improve agent performance in real time.
  • Coaching and Feedback: Tethr provides agents real-time feedback and coaching, helping them develop the skills they need to improve customer experience.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Tethr provides businesses with various customizable dashboards that provide key metrics, insights, and real-time intelligence on customer interactions.
  • Integration: Tethr integrates seamlessly with various third-party applications, including CRM systems, telephony providers, and other customer-facing technologies, making it easier to implement and use.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The software provides various reporting and analytics tools that help businesses measure and evaluate their customer experience efforts and make data-driven decisions.

7. Playvox

Playvox is a cloud-based contact center call quality assurance and gamification platform that helps companies improve customer service, agent engagement, and performance.

Playvox Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Playvox Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Multi-channel support: Playvox enables organizations to manage customer interactions across multiple channels, including voice, chat, email, and social media.
  • Quality assessment: The platform's quality assessment tool provides a comprehensive and objective evaluation of agents' performance based on pre-defined KPIs.
  • Gamification: Playvox incorporates gamification elements to keep agents motivated and engaged, including leaderboards, badges, and rewards.
  • Coaching and feedback: The platform provides real-time feedback and coaching to agents to help them improve their performance and skills.
  • Reporting and analytics: Playvox provides a comprehensive set of reports and analytics that enable companies to measure their contact center's performance, identify knowledge gaps, and track their progress over time.
  • Integrations: Playvox integrates with popular contact center tools and platforms, including Salesforce, Zendesk, and Twilio, making it easy to use and manage.
  • Customizable: The platform is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization.

8. Callminer

Callminer is a cloud-based contact center quality assurance software that helps businesses to enhance their customer experience by providing real-time speech analytics, call grading, and tools for training purposes.

Callminer Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Callminer Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Speech Analytics: Callminer's advanced speech analytics technology provides deep insights into customer interactions, identifying trends, sentiment, and areas of improvement.
  • Call Grading: Callminer's call grading feature allows managers to assess their agents' performance, giving them a comprehensive view of strengths and areas that need improvement.
  • Coaching Tools: Callminer's coaching tools provide real-time feedback to agents, enabling them to improve their performance continuously.
  • Integrations: Callminer integrates seamlessly with other enterprise applications, such as CRM, helpdesk, and analytics tools, providing businesses with a unified view of customer interactions.
  • Dashboards & Reports: Callminer provides a range of customizable dashboards and reports, allowing businesses to get a clear view of performance, trends, and customer feedback.
  • Compliance: Callminer's compliance features ensure that businesses adhere to industry regulations and quality standards, providing peace of mind for those in regulated industries.
  • Cloud-based: Callminer is cloud-based, providing businesses with flexible and scalable solutions that can be deployed quickly and easily.

9. Nice CX

Nice CX is a contact center quality assurance software that provides real-time monitoring and call analysis. It offers many features to enhance the customer experience and improve agent performance.

Nice CX Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Nice CX Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Multi-channel support: Nice CX supports multiple channels, including voice calls, chats, emails, and social media, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions.
  • Call Recording and Analysis: The software provides call recording and analysis capabilities, helping managers to evaluate the quality of customer interactions and identify areas of improvement.
  • Quality Management: Nice CX provides a call quality management solution, helping to automate the evaluation process and ensure consistent scoring.
  • Real-time Monitoring: The software allows managers to monitor agent performance in real-time, helping to identify areas for improvement and address any issues quickly.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Nice CX provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, helping managers to track key metrics and make data-driven decisions.
  • Workforce Optimization: The software helps managers to optimize their workforce, providing actionable insights and helping to improve productivity and efficiency.
  • Customizable Workflows: Nice CX provides customizable workflows, allowing managers to tailor the software to meet their organization's specific needs.
  • Integration: The software integrates with many systems, including CRM, telephony, and other third-party tools, providing a seamless and efficient solution.

10. Stella Connect

Stella Connect is a customer experience management platform for call and contact centers. The software provides comprehensive quality assurance processes, feedback, and performance management solution.

Stella Connect Call Center Quality Monitoring Software
Stella Connect Features and Pricing

Key Features:

  • Quality Assurance: Stella Connect offers robust call quality assurance capabilities that allow managers to monitor, evaluate, and improve their agents' performance.
  • Feedback Collection: The software provides multiple channels to collect customer feedback, including in-call surveys, SMS, email, and web surveys.
  • Performance Management: Stella Connect provides a performance dashboard that helps managers track their agents' progress and identify improvement areas.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The software provides a range of reports and analytics to help managers understand customer feedback, agent performance, and overall customer experience.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Stella Connect's real-time alerts notify managers of any issues or problems in real time, allowing them to take immediate action.
  • Integration: Stella Connect integrates with a wide range of third-party call center solutions and CRMs, providing a seamless experience for users.
Unlock the best call center quality monitoring software now!

How Do We Evaluate Customer Service?

How do we evaluate customer service using call quality monitoring?
How Do We Evaluate Customer Service?

1. Call quality monitoring software

Call monitoring involves listening to recorded calls between customer service representatives and customers to evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement.

2. Customer Complaints

Tracking and analyzing customer service calls for complaints can provide valuable insight into areas where customer service needs improvement.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net promoter score formula
Net promoter score formula

NPS measures customer loyalty by asking customers to rate the likelihood of recommending a company's products or services to others.

4. First Call Resolution (FCR)

FCR measures the ability of customer service representatives to resolve customer issues on the first call.

First call resolution formula
First call resolution formula

5. Average Handling Time (AHT)

AHT measures the average time customer service representatives handle customer inquiries.

Average handle time formula
Average handle time formula

6. CSAT Score

CSAT measures satisfaction by asking customers to rate their negative or positive experience with customer service on a scale.

CSAT score formula
CSAT score formula

Tips for Implementing Quality Assurance Software Into Your Contact Center Operations

1. Define Goals

Clearly determine the goals and objectives of your quality assurance process and how the software will help achieve those goals.

2. Evaluate your Software Options

Research and evaluate different quality assurance software options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

It’s important to evaluate your quality assurance software options
Evaluate your QA software options

3. Train your Staff

Provide training to your staff on the use of the software, including how to use its features and interpret and act on the data it generates.

4. Integrate with Existing Systems

Make sure the quality assurance software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems and processes, such as your CRM and call center software.

5. Develop a Feedback Loop

Develop a feedback loop to ensure that information gathered through quality assurance software is used to improve customer service and drive continuous improvement.

6. Implement a Quality Management System

Implement a call quality management system that includes procedures for monitoring and evaluating call quality, providing feedback to staff, and making improvements.

7. Regularly Review and Refine

Regularly review and refine your QA process to ensure it meets your needs and delivers value to your organization.


In conclusion, if you're a contact center leader in the USA, then you know how important it is to deliver top-notch customer service. And with the right call center QA software, you can make that a reality. 

The 10 best call quality assurance software options available today are packed with features to help you evaluate and improve the performance of your customer service reps. From call recording to agent evaluation to performance reporting, there's a solution for all your contact center woes. 

But with so many options, it's essential to choose wisely. When deciding, consider factors like ease of use, integration with current systems, and automation.

Get Convin’s call center quality monitoring software now!

More To Explore

  1. How Convin's AI Transforming Agent Performance?
  2. Call Center Compliance: Reduce Rampant Mis-selling Episodes With Convin
  3. A Complete Guide On Call Center Software–Everything you need to Know About Convin’s Contact Center Automation Engine

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best software for call centers?

The best software for call centers depends on the specific needs and budget of the call center, but some popular options include Convin, Five9, Genesys, Zendesk, and Avaya.

2. What does call quality mean?

Quality monitoring in a call center refers to regularly evaluating and measuring the quality of customer interactions to ensure high levels of client satisfaction and agent performance.

3. How can I monitor my call center performance?

To monitor call center performance, you can use call center software that provides real-time monitoring and reporting, use quality monitoring tools and techniques, and regularly review customer feedback and performance metrics.

4. Why is quality monitoring important in a call center?

Quality monitoring is important in a call center as it helps identify areas for improvement in customer service, ensures compliance with company standards and policies, and improves overall client satisfaction.

5. What software do most call centers use?

Many call centers use cloud-based contact center software like Convin, Five9, Genesys, Zendesk, Avaya, etc.

6. What important things does the quality monitor do?

The quality monitor's responsibilities include evaluating customer interactions, providing feedback to agents, and making recommendations for improvement based on the results of the evaluations.

7. What are the 5 key performance indicators call center?

A call center's five key performance indicators are:

  • Average handle time
  • First call resolution
  • Abandoned call rate
  • The average speed of answer
  • Customer experience.

8. What is the most important key performance indicators for customer service reps?

CSAT and NPS are often considered the most important key performance indicator for a call center.

9. What are the types of call monitoring?

Call quality monitoring typically includes average call handling time, CSAT, agent compliance with company policies, and accuracy of customer information.

10. What to do when a company loses money?

When a company loses money, it should increase its revenue and reduce overall expenses. One can introduce automation to increase the overall ROI.

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