Episode 26: How to Generate Inbound Sales Leads with LinkedIn Social Selling?

Laura Erdem joined us for the 26th episode of Sales Gambit. Laura is the Account Executive at Dreamdata.io and is an exceptional saleswoman with a flavor for marketing.

Ashish Santhalia

Host, Sales Gambit | Founder @ Convin

In today’s episode of Sales Gambit, we welcomed Laura Erdem. Laura is the Account Executive at Dreamdata.io and she talks about B2B Selling, Social Selling, and Revenue Attribution. She is excellent at unlocking the power of social media to sell more and she joined us to share some of her secret tips on the same.

In today’s episode, we discussed “How to Generate Inbound Sales Leads with LinkedIn Social Selling?”

We talked about:

  • Her journey of gaining the first 10,000 LinkedIn followers.
  • Her strategies to gain more than 4000 LinkedIn followers within three months.
  • The importance of posting consistently on LinkedIn.
  • How can LinkedIn Social Selling help to fill your sales pipeline?
  • What steps should one take before starting social selling on LinkedIn?
  • Where does social selling fit in the entire sales process? 
  • What tools to use that make social selling on LinkedIn easy for you? 
  • How long does it take to start seeing results from social selling that convert into sales conversions like finding prospects, booking meetings, etc.? 

And a lot more…