Episode 15: Top sales mistakes every early-stage startup makes and how to avoid them?

Learn about the top sales mistakes to avoid, why startups fail at sales, and business-level sales mistakes from industry experts.

Ashish Santhalia

Host, Sales Gambit | Founder @ Convin

Donald Kelly is the founder, and Chief Evangelist at The Sales Evangelist, VP of Sales and Marketing at BenfoComplete, and a podcast host himself. We spoke to Donald about:

✔️ Why do startups fail at sales despite there being a ton of information on the Internet?

✔️ What are the top sales mistakes that most early-stage startups make?

✔️ What are some business-level sales mistakes to avoid?

✔️ What are the sales mistakes that most startups make at the staff level and how to avoid them?

✔️ Reading recommendations for our audience.

And a lot more….

Tune in now!