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Sales reporting examples and tips

Aarti Nair
July 14, 2022

Last modified on

July 14, 2022
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Sales reporting is an important aspect of managing a business. It can be very detailed and complex, and it takes time and effort to get it right—the better the reporting and the more accurate, the better the insights you can have. Here we look at examples and tips.

Creating a daily, weekly, and monthly sales report is crucial for tracking sellers’ progress and keeping track of deals. But creating a report can be very overwhelming. That is why most sellers end up putting bare minimum details in the report and sending it– Which is not really useful for the business as it does not contain complete information about the deal's progress.

That is why now it is crucial to leverage AI-powered tools for sales analysis, and creating sales reports can help you create robust reports that can uncover complete deals and performance overviews.

Convin records, transcribe and then analyzes the sales engagement to uncover crucial deal, customer, and seller performance. And post-call, it sends the data directly into the manager's inbox. But before we tell you about it, let’s understand what sales reports are and what are their components you must include before sending them to your sales managers.

What are sales reports?

A sales analysis or sales report is a document that gives a detailed analysis of the company's sales process along with an understanding of how the sellers are performing.

Sales reports are very important in the world of business. Many people think they are boring, but they can actually be fun to look at. Learning how to read sales reports is a very useful skill. 

Sales reports are used by a lot of different businesses to show how well they are doing. Sales reports are used to show how well a business is doing, and they are used for products and services sold. A lot of companies like to use sales reports to show how well they are doing compared to a previous month. Sales reports can also be used to show how well a business is doing compared to a previous year. Sales reports can be used for a number of different reasons. They are used for many different products. 

Or in just simple terms, sales reports are used to show how well a business is doing.

Sales reports are divided into three main categories: order reports, revenue reports, and customer reports. Order reports include a list of completed orders and can be used to check order details, such as shipping and billing addresses. Revenue reports display the revenue made by a store, and this information can be used to check overall performance. Customer reports display the details of customers with specific orders. But based on your requirement, you can differentiate the sales report by modifying different KPIs.

Why are sales reports important?

Sales reports are essential for every business owner. The problem is that most business owners don’t know what to do with their reports or how to interpret them. 

That’s a shame because sales reports can be incredibly useful. You can learn a lot from sales reports, including what your customers are buying, where they are coming from, and how you can improve your marketing to bring in more customers. Overall sales reports give you a deeper understanding of:

Performance and productivity

The sales team at your business is an integral part of driving your organization forward. By monitoring their performance, you will be better placed to help them succeed and achieve your goals as well as motivate them to work harder. You can also tweak and customize opportunities within your existing strategy so they can become more likely to succeed.

Taking sales decision

Having a good knowledge of what the sales reports look like is critical to success. Sales reports provide important up-to-date data that salespeople can use as a basis for making well-informed decisions about critical daily situations. For example, if a company needs to know certain statistics about which of its campaigns are most successful, it will have access to them from the sales report.

Sales process

Suppose you're focusing on leads and initiatives directly aligning with the company's overall product and sales strategy. In that case, you should be thinking about tools to help monitor performance. One such tool is Sales Reports, which enables your team to see how various marketing and sales tactics and campaigns are impacting their goals so they can properly assess which efforts are worth continuing and whether adjustments to planned objectives are necessary.

Different types of sales reports

Depending on the time frame, you can create multiple reports.

Monthly sales reports

Monthly sales reports to help you in evaluating monthly sales trends. The KPIs included in monthly sales reports help in evaluating long-term process and performance impacts.

It gives an overview of how many deals are there in the pipeline, how sellers are performing, how your sales cycle is evolving, etc.

Here are a few references for monthly sales reports and KPIs

Sales KPIs

Sales monthly KPI report should include the number of sales, revenue generated, incremental rate, churn rate, profit margin, etc.

These reports help CIOs get an overview of the sales and revenue health of the company and bring in any modifications with processes and tools as required. These metrics are usually monitored by Sales VPs and senior management. 

Overall monthly sales reports can help you understand how you are performing on a monthly basis and even compare them with the previous month.

Sales cycle length 

A sales cycle report helps you showcase the overall performance of sales reps. And give an overview of the overall sales cycle. It should help uncover answers to the following questions:

  • How much time do customers spend on every deal stage?
  • How long does it take for a prospect to convert to a customer?
  • Average length and stages of the sales cycle
  • The average time period of every deal stage like prospecting, proposal, negotiating, etc.

This overview aids you in understanding the blockage in the deal cycle as well as how every seller is performing.

Sales conversion report

This report gives you an overview of the number of deals in the pipeline and their conversion to the next sales funnel stage. It includes the

  • number of leads, 
  • Number of opportunities
  • Number of deals in the negotiation stage
  • Number of proposals sent
  • Number of deals closed,

And the overall conversion rate leads to closure.

This report is essential for spotting any problems in the sales funnel and creating processes that could help eliminate the sales funnel blockage.

Orders report

These reports to include the number of orders placed, deal size per customer, returns/unsubscribes, etc. This report is important for understanding the revenue stream of every target and any lost revenue opportunity.

Outbound report

Cold calling is still an essential part of sales, especially B2B and BFSI sales. And tracking these engagements and the average time spent per deal gives you an overall understanding of your sales performance.

This report includes the number of outbound and inbound calls, emails, engagements, call-to-closure ratio, etc.

Sales performance report

This is an overall report of the sales process of your company. This includes total customers, acquisition cost, average revenue per deal, customer’s lifetime value, etc.

Weekly sales reports

A weekly report is an important tool that many businesses employ to accurately track sales performance and essential KPIs, such as lead-to-opportunity ratio, opportunity conversion ratio, sales volume by channel, and total sales per region, among many others.

Sales reports can be produced weekly using systems like revenue intelligence and CRM, which will give insight into how well your team is performing in converting leads from one stage in the funnel to another.

It includes

  • Total outbound calls
  • Sales by channel
  • revenue/deal closed per rep
  • Lead conversion ratio
  • Upsell-cross sell rate
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Average purchase 
  • Meetings conducted by every rep
  • Opportunity-to-win ratio per rep
  • Total sales per region, etc.

Daily sales reports

A daily sales report is a management tool used by businesses and individuals alike to extract the most relevant daily sales data, such as the number of closed deals, client conversations, opportunities created, and many other sales-related KPIs.

When it comes to sales reporting, one thing you don’t want to focus on is outcome-dependent metrics. 

Yes, you want to know how much money your sales team has brought in for the day, week, or month—but too much emphasis on that could be harmful because it means your team would become reliant and reliant on revenue alone in order to feel successful. A better option is to stay focused on process-based metrics such as the number of calls that were made or emails and proposals sent out during a given time period.

Daily sales report includes:

  • Number of calls made
  • Number of opportunities created
  • Number of meetings set up
  • Lead response time by rep
  • Call recordings
  • Number of touchpoints created
  • Number of deals closed - if any
  • Daily sales volume, etc.

Now that you know, what are the types of sales reports that can be created, you must be thinking about how you can even get started. 

Read on to find out

How to write a sales report? - Tips

The main purpose of creating a sale report is to capture your sales activities and represent them in a format that anyone can understand.

Businesses are always looking for ways to increase revenue and make a profit, and sales reports are a key part of this. They provide valuable insight into how the business is performing and are essential for identifying problems and strategies for improvement. 

Sales reports are a great way to stay on top of what is selling and what isn't, as well as enabling you to plan for the future. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, sales reports have a place in your business. There is a lot of information in a sales report, but it's really easy to create your own. We've provided some tips to help you get started.

Here are some tips that you can use to create a sales report.

Define your audience. 

First and foremost, it is important to know who your audience is so that every time you create a report or analyze data, you are always on point and focused with regard to the target audience.

For example, if you are creating a sales report for the head of sales, you are most likely to include data about the overall revenue, churn rate, etc.,-- that is a report focused on the larger goal of the sales department.

Set the time period of the report

As we just discussed, sales reports could be created daily, weekly, and monthly. Alternatively, it can also be created over the course of a quarter or year to give an overview to the company about how the sales department is performing. And again, based on this time frame, you can include the specific KPIs needed to explain your overall sales activities and performance.

Collecting relevant information

Reports essentially contain data. But in this age and time, collecting all data manually is impossible. We mean, it can be done, but it would take a lot of time and effort from the person creating the report when it can be utilized for more revenue-generating tasks such as exploring new opportunities.

That is why using tools like Convin’s Conversation intelligence and sales reporting tool can help fast-track the process. As it automatically extracts the data from the sales conversation and sends the reports to post calls to the appropriate parties, along with logging the data in the company’s preferred CRM.

Use diagrams to make it eye-catching.

A sales report with only numbers and text may appear too “dry” and even unappealing to your intended audience. Visualize data by utilizing visual content such as tables, charts, graphs, and infographics so you can make your sales report easy for readers to digest. 

For example, if you're creating a forecasted sales by source report, imagine how much easier it would be for you to explain the breakdown of sources if they were separated into individual pie charts instead of being clustered into one giant spreadsheet. 

This way, your audience will more easily understand how many deals come from which source and realize that each source has the potential - when taken advantage of effectively - to more than pay for itself.

Parting words.

Sales reports are an essential part of every business, whether you are an owner or a manager. They help you keep track of your company's progress, analyze your current success and predict future trends. Having a clear and well-structured report can give you a deep insight into your company's performance.

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