Conversation Analytics

Differentiate your contact center with customer conversation analytics

Uncover customer needs and expectations faster and deliver unmatched customer experience with Convin.

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Artificial intelligence is advancing at a rate we can’t control. And along with it, its applications are getting stronger. Just think about it!

Google Alexa is our go-to device for music, intelligent house functionalities, or creating and checking the daily schedule.

But what do these devices do?

They analyze our voice command, check for the appropriate response, and present the best atmosphere. 

But at the core level, Alexa analyzes our voice and creates a directory of most asked questions, responses and learns to respond efficiently.

What is Conversation Analytics?

Conversation analytics tools leveraged by businesses to analyze daily customer engagement pretty much have the same functionality. It analyzes the daily calls to understand the challenges faced by sales reps and support agents–their performances, what are they discussing on calls, and the customer’s intent and interest. 

Post that, it presents this data in an easy-to-understand grid. 

Then what does a conversation analyst do? Well, the tool is responsible to make the analyst’s job easier and more productive. They can invest more time manually reviewing calls that need their attention.

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What is a conversation analysis example?

A conversation analysis example can be evaluation of a customer support call between an agent and a customer to gain insights into the quality of the interaction. The tool can identify if the agent was polite, empathetic and ask enough questions. 

The analysis is capable of determining if the agent asked for confidential details like OTP, Cvv, card number, etc.

Now, let’s understand what a conversation analytics tool is.

What is conversation analytics software?

A conversation analytics software records omnichannel conversation and then transcribes the conversations with the speech-to-text feature. 

After the transcription is created, the conversation is analyzed for call topics, quality, rep’s soft skills, customer intent, tone, customer intelligence and other custom parameters. The tool is equipped to score the call quality based on the above parameters.

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Conversation analytics software to extract customer intelligence
Conversation analytics software to extract customer intelligence

Why does your organization need conversation analytics software?

Why is it important to analyze customer conversations?
Why is it important to analyze customer conversations?

Did you know more than 80% of people still call a business to resolve their queries?

Also, every day, a sales rep makes 100 to 150 cold calls per day. 

That said, doesn’t it make sense to have a solution that could record and analyze these conversations to understand changing customer buying behavior, sales performance, pipeline, and basically understand the company's growth scale.

By analyzing customer engagement, you can quantify the voice of the customer by instilling this data in sales and marketing collateral to stream customers’ conversations. 

Learn how to extract more conversation data on a demo.

How does a conversation analytics tool impact all areas of business?

  • Sales- Dig into revenue channels and opportunities. Extract the upsell and cross-sell data for each customer. 
  • Support- Improve retention and increase the chance of repeat purchases by tracking customer behavior. 
  • Marketing- Learn more about target customers' behavior and expectations. Produce collaterals and penetrate channels where customers spend time.
  • Product- Get brutal feedback on products and services. Simultaneously, receive hints on what the competition is up to. 
  • Finance- Make the payment transaction process seamless and user-friendly for customers by learning their preferred payment channels and issues.
  • Collections- Treat debt payment differently. Extract customer information and history to understand how to respond to collection calls.
  • Compliance- Reduce risk and violations by staying on top of conversations and customer response. 

Through sentiment and emotion analysis, AI-enabled conversation analytics software also understands customers’ intents and emotions.

When agents understand how customers or buyers feel towards your organization and product, they can better engage with the prospect. This is particularly true when the only way to engage with customers is through video conference and phone calls.

Now that we know why you need conversation analytics software let’s look at some of its benefits for your business.

Convin’s Conversation Analytics benefits

1. Uncover Customer Intelligence

Generate hidden customer insights using customer conversation analytics
Generate hidden customer insights using customer conversation analytics

Conversation analytics software analyzes the calls for the topics discussed and highlights them for you, so you can easily go through the call insights in a few seconds. 

Contact centers can use this data in a variety of ways–to develop engaging customer follow-up strategies and scripts. 

Your sales team can also leverage the customer intelligence data from previous sales calls to stream the conversation.

Want to see how Convin uncovers customer intelligence?

2. Understand prospects’ intent

AI-enabled conversation analytics software analyzes the voice of the customer to understand the intent of the conversation. 

Call center agents can utilize this data to better engage with the prospect by streamlining the conversation.

3. Track agents performance

Conversation analytics tool to track agent performance
Conversation analytics tool to track agent performance

Conversation analytics software even evaluates the conversation for agents' performance and tracks it. It even checks if the feedback is followed by the agent or not and what is the impact of the feedback.

How does the conversation analytics tool benefit agents?

  • Reduces the pressure of analyzing customer expectations.
  • Offers daily feedback on customer interactions.
  • Identifies knowledge gaps and helps improve agents.
  • Real-time monitoring and guidance reduce long hold times and improve first-call resolutions.

4. Fastrack sales call to review and feedback

Agents receive daily feedback on Convin analytics software.
Agents receive daily feedback on Convin analytics software

Majority of contact centers witness a significant delay in review and feedback– the process takes time and is often shared monthly.

But with the help of conversation analytics software, you can fast track call review and feedback process. 

Conversation analytics solution analyzes agents calls, chats and email by auditing the voice parameters and scores the interaction. It even prioritizes calls that need special attention for manual review.

In case you are wondering, what type of feedback does conversation analytics cover?- Convin allows daily feedback to agents on every conversation in text, audio, and video format.

Convin’s conversation analytics software - Scan the voice of the customer.

Conversation tracking and analysis software
Conversation tracking and analysis software

Convin’s contact center analytics software records all business conversations. It analyzes the conversation tone and responses for customer intelligence, deal intelligence, queries, actionable items, agent performance, competitor intelligence, and most discussed topics.

It even evaluates and audits 100% of agents conversations for their responses, soft skills, interruptions, and other custom parameters. And based on that automatically scores the call. 

The tool prioritizes the call that needs special attention for manual review, thus fast-tracking the whole feedback and review process.

Convin is easy to sign up for and easier to integrate with your current business tech stack.

Don’t want to sign up? Let’s talk.

How does Convin’s conversation analytics software work?

How does conversation analytics work?
How does a conversation analytics tool work?

Here’s how conversation analytics solution works and helps your entire business stay aligned to achieve goals:

  1. Integrate - The contact center analytics software seamlessly integrates with your customer engagement platforms like emails, calls, Zoom, Gmeet, etc., such that it can track the conversations. Additionally, it integrates with other sales stacks like CRM to automatically log the call data.
  2. Record -  Conversation analytics records 100% of omnichannel conversations such that the agents don’t waste their efforts and time making the minutes of the meetings.
  3. Transcribe - The conversation tracking software uses LLM models to convert speech to text and identify key moments from the conversation.
  4. Analyze - Post transcription, the tool analyzes the conversations based on pre-defined business-impacting parameters. Post analysis, the tool highlights the call quality stats, critical moments, missed opportunities, customer feedback, queries, and actionable items. 
  5. Distribute call data - The tool distributes the analysis to concerned managers and leaders. 

Managers can clearly understand which agent behavior drives maximum conversions and what makes customers churn. Managers can even understand the conversation pattern of high and low-quality leads and save time.

Convin’s conversation analytics software is completely secure

Convin contact center analytics software is a safe and secure platform
Convin invests in data security and privacy

At Convin, we understand the customer and call data security important; that’s why we ensure your data is entirely secure and safe in our in-house transcription and NLP engine. We ensure your conversation data security in the following ways:

  • In-house transcription and NLP
  • Secure login and monitoring
  • Hosted on AWS
  • SSL data encryption
  • Role-based access control
  • Enterprise-grade application monitoring
  • GDPR-compliant meeting recording

There are several CI tools in the market, such as Conversation Intelligence Hubspot, Dynamics 365, Salesforce, CallRail, Salesloft, etc. However, Convin’s Generative AI capabilities are outshining these players and making contact centers into profit centers. 

Also, Convin supports languages beyond English. And it takes only 2-3 weeks to get you onboarded. 

Get a quick tour of our conversation analytics software.