Quality Monitoring

Quality Monitoring

Hi. I’m Conviner, here to teach you about Quality Monitoring.

Over 63% of call and contact centers consider quality assurance among their top 5 KPIs.

1. What is Quality Monitoring?

Contact centers need to evaluate and assess agent-customer interactions to ensure that agents are following the right customer experience frameworks. Quality monitoring is also done to reduce compliance violations, train agents, and evaluate experience delivery standards.

Quality monitoring is either done by a team of human auditors or automated quality monitoring software.

2. Why is Quality Monitoring Important in a Contact Center?

Quality monitoring has many advantages:

3. What are the Limitations of Manual Quality Monitoring?

Despite most contact centers relying on manual quality monitoring, it has it’s own limitations. Here are some of them:

4. How is Automated Quality Monitoring More Efficient?

Automated quality monitoring software uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. This provides a much more efficient quality monitoring process with features like:

That’s all from Conviner. See ya next time!

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