

Hi, I’m Conviner - Your call center terminology assistant. Let’s learn about escalation today.

Contact center benchmarks indicate that average escalation rates are around 10%.

1. Why Do Calls Get Escalated?

Escalations happen mainly due to 2 major reasons. Here are the reasons:

2. How To Reduce Escalation Rates?

Escalation that happens due to customers being unhappy with the resolution provided to them can’t be avoided. There’ll always be a certain escalation rate which can never be reduced further.

While this escalation rate varies from industry to industry, there is another way to reduce escalation.

When calls are escalated due to the agent’s lack of proficiency, it usually happens to be either by a new agent or an agent who doesn’t handle a specific set of call.

This can be fixed by focusing on agent training. Using tools like a Learning Management System (LMS) helps agents to ramp up faster and ensure that there are no gaps in their knowledge.

Apart from just providing a repository to learn from, these tools use AI to suggest agent-customer interactions to learn from. This is majorly helpful to reduce ramp- up time for new agents.

Some Proven Outcomes Of Learning Management Systems

Here’s Conviner signing off. See you soon!

Reduce Ramp-Up Times with an LMS today!
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