Automated Quality Management

Automated Quality Management

Hi, I’m Conviner, your call center terminology assistant. Let’s learn about Automated Quality Management.

Manual quality management can only review an average of 2% of all conversations.

1. What is automated quality management in a call center?

The entire quality management process is highly inefficient when done manually. Automated quality management (AQM) automates the entire process, from evaluating agent conversations to personalized agent training.

AQM can also solve one of the biggest challenges in manual quality management - limited call coverage.

2. What are the benefits of automated quality management?

AQM overcomes many of the limitations of a manual quality management framework, including

3. Will AQM remove the need for human auditors?

While automated quality management can evaluate and assign coaching sessions automatically, human auditors are essential.

There are situations when conversations get complex and certain compliance violations need extra attention. In such cases, these conversations are immediately sent to a human auditor for their attention.

That’s it for now. This is Conviner, signing off!

Implement automated quality management in your contact center today!
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