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Sales Call Planning: 15 Awesome Psychological Tips for Making Better Calls

Abhishikha Chatterjee
June 28, 2022

Last modified on

June 28, 2022
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Oh no. It's that time of day again: sales calling time! 

Does calling customers make you nervous, too? You can't just shrug it off or put it at the bottom of your to-do list, no matter how much you want to.

You need to get the hang of the perfect sales call.

According to sales data, cold calling and sales calls are very productive for 90% of representatives.

Yet, cold calling needs a great deal of patience and competence.

No two consumers are the same, particularly in the B2B world. It’s better to use a new technique for every sales call, which may sometimes be irritating and challenging.

Salespersons have seen everything, from people hanging up on you to customers getting annoyed. And yet sales calls are an essential sales technique.

So, how do you do it better?

How do you get the leads to convert?

How to get better at sales?

What's the science behind it?

That's what we're here to help you with.

Sales, like sports, has a science behind it, and if you approach it similarly, you can motivate salespeople to nail the sales quota. 

We're talking about how to create a fantastic sales call after you find the right salesperson, teach, train, and drive top performance by employing a technique that allows for the highest capability.

This article will briefly examine:

  • What is cold calling?
  • How to make better sales calls?

What is cold calling?

Contacting a potential consumer or client with whom you have never previously interacted is known as cold calling. While most people associate cold calling with phone sales, it may also mean meeting someone in person.   

While cold calling might be difficult, it has its advantages. Unlike email or social media, it allows you to build a human connection with someone. You receive quick feedback and can leverage the call to schedule a follow-up visit or call without waiting for prospects to respond to an email, which gets easily overlooked.

Since selling is a two-way street, the science of sales includes the other side in the engagement: prospects, leads, or customers, depending on where they are in the sales process.

Cold Call Sales Script For B2B Sales Tips + Template

How to make better sales calls?

This piece has compiled key insights and methods for effective sales calls. As the market shifts toward a customer-centric paradigm, you'll notice that most of the sales calling tips and tricks we've included are buyer-focused. 

1. Know when to call.

According to a CallHippo research, the best time for a sales call is between 4 and 5 p.m. (in your prospect's time zone) on a Wednesday or Thursday. While you may not be able to squeeze all of your sales calls into two hours each week, you should make the most of those opportunities whenever available. 

Customers are less likely to perceive your call as an interruption once they have finished their workday. Furthermore, by mid-week, they have not only had the chance to catch up on their to-do list but are not yet ready to begin winding things up for the weekend.

While it may take many sales calls to convert the prospective lead, Rain Sales Training data shows that 71% of buyers like to hear from sellers early in the purchasing process since that's when they're seeking new solutions. 

2. Research your prospect

If you don't know enough about the prospect before calling them, the call is pointless.

Knowing anything about the person will assist you in framing the call to boost your chances of converting that phone call.

However, when sales calling customers, please don't limit yourself to a person's name and position; instead, learn about what they do in the company and the challenges that the company encounters. All of this research will increase your chances of success.

3. Start on a cheery note

Many prospects perceive sales calls as background noise, filtering off any unexpected phone call. However, when calling customers, if you welcome them warmly enough (like an old friend), they may pause long enough to consider what you're saying. You might begin with:

"Hello [Name], how are you doing?"

The prospect is acknowledged by beginning with their name. We are hardwired to respond to the sound of our names, and this welcome establishes a sense of connection and regard.

However, remember that specific prospects may misinterpret such a friendly greeting, so work to get to the subject after the greeting.

4. Avoid trashing competitors

The most common self-sabotaging error during a sales call is criticizing a competitor. According to a psychological quirk known as "spontaneous trait transference," if you say negative things about someone else, your audience imbues you with the same attributes. 

Say you suggest your competitor offers poor quality and is unreliable. Your potential customer will automatically identify such characteristics with you, even if they rationally understand that you are referring to a third party. So, when it comes to gossiping about competition, always answer, "No comment."

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5. Set a plan & follow it 

When sales calling, if you and your caller agree on a list of subjects or goals at the outset, a plan can assist you, and your caller remains on track. Begin by making a respectful recommendation to cover one or more items, and then utilize that agreement to guide the discourse. When you're done, go over everything you've discussed during the phone call and any subsequent actions that have been agreed upon, and then follow up. It will make your prospect feel like a partner, but it will also keep you organized.

6. Be passionate

Allow your enthusiasm for the product to shine through in your sales calls, and make it something that the prospect may become infected with. Sales representatives may do this by standing up and conducting sales calls in a significant common area rather than disappearing into a cubicle or a conference room. 

Know your product inside out. 

While calling, you will meet a variety of people. Some will agree to your pricing, some will agree to your sales pitch, and some will want comprehensive technical specs of the product before deciding on you.

As a result, while calling customers, you must be prepared for prospects that conduct an extensive study before committing to a product.

It would help if you learned about the technical features of your product so that you are not stumped when someone asks you a question about it.

However, don't be concerned if you need to consult an expert when you're on a sales call. Nobody expects you to be an expert on your product or service.

8. Keep it simple silly! 

Don't overwhelm your customers with too many choices. It is tough for them to choose, rationalize, and confirm a buying choice.

Have you ever eaten at a restaurant with an overly extensive menu with too many choices?

The most common self-sabotaging error during a sales call is criticizing a competitor. According to a psychological quirk known as "spontaneous trait transference," if you say negative things about someone else, your audience imbues you with the same attributes.

Say you suggest your competitor offers poor quality and is unreliable. Your potential customer will automatically identify such characteristics with you, even if they rationally understand that you are referring to a third party. So, when it comes to gossiping about competition, always answer, "No comment."

9. Use innovative product positioning

The way you present your product might be the difference between a completed purchase and a missed chance. 

Ground-breaking behavioral economics research confirms that framing is essential. Saving $10, for example, feels curiously different across different purchasing circumstances (buying a TV vs. buying a mop), even though the amount saved is the same. Relative positioning often outperforms cost when it comes to making brands more appealing to customers.

Packaging the product as a solution rather than merely a commodity or service raises the chances of conversion. Solving problems is more effective than selling products.

10. Clarify the value of the product

Make it easy for prospects to evaluate the subjective (emotional) and objective (fact-based) value of a product. Set your product distinct from the competitors by using narrative and framing strategies. 

When emotional impulses are insufficient to push prospects to a definitive choice, having an ROI calculator or formula on hand to assist them in evaluating the benefits of the product, in any situation, clearly illustrates that the value clients receive outweighs the cost.

11. Make a special offer

Everyone enjoys receiving special deals.

Because of the contract's exclusivity, offering a bargain psychologically influences the prospect's thinking. Exclusive offers can make it easier to complete the purchase.

For example, if you provide a better value than your competitor, a customer who is indecisive between your product and your competitor may prefer your product.

12.  Emphasize appropriately.

Highlighting specific words or phrases is a powerful communication mechanism that helps deliver your ideas more effectively and achieve the perfect sales calls. Pay attention to your intonation, especially when leaving voicemails. 

You'll sound more dynamic and eloquent during sales calls and, therefore, more persuasive by adding intonation to the correct phrases.

13.  Don’t forget the 80/20 rule 

The 80/20 rule is a tried-and-true classic. During a sales call, sellers should only speak 20% of the time while listen 80% of the time.

While on sales calls, sometimes individuals need a minute to pause and consider their response, so we naturally want to fill the quiet by chatting. Don't let a pause or silence make you feel awkward during a phone call! A little delay might prompt the prospect to provide additional information about their requirements, precisely what you want. 

When you actively listen during a sales call, the prospect will feel more concerned and value your advice. A fundamental premise that every salesperson should understand: clients will buy a product if they believe it will meet a significant need in their life. You will never be able to determine the client's demands and enhance your sales calls if you constantly speak over them.

14. Everything has its time

Timing is of the essence in both life and sales. The ideal timing for making phone calls, giving presentations, sending emails, organizing meetings, and trying a close varies depending on your industry and the individual prospect you are working with.

Research has been conducted to determine the optimal times of day for calling customers. Find one that fits your specialty and put it into action.

15.  Make it about you as well.

Selling is a two-way process. Even though you take care of your customers, if you ignore improving your abilities and attitude as a salesperson, you will not advance as far as you might. 
Customers like and trust business connections who are experts in their field. Train to be the greatest at what you do so that customers will recognize that your solutions are unparalleled and will lose considerable value if they switch vendors.

Final Thoughts 

Once you've made contact, steer the discussion in a favorable direction and establish a real relationship. Remember the 80/20 rule and use active listening when conducting a sales call.

Identify a good attribute or label near the end of the talk. It's alright if they don't respond the first time, but try reaching out to them again. 

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