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Contact Center
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Mastery Over Call Center Coaching and Monitoring Software Should be EdTech’s Priority

Mayank Dixit
Mayank Dixit
November 4, 2022

Last modified on

November 4, 2022
Mastery Over Call Center Coaching and Monitoring Software Should be EdTech’s Priority
Table of Content

The total amount of money spent on Edtech infrastructure is touted to touch $300 billion in the year 2022. 

The figure is a testament to the fact that the pandemic brought unsought glory to the edtech industry. 

It was perhaps one of the few industries that saw its stakes rising during the pandemic.

A report estimated that remote learning platforms saw a stupendous 52% rise in their customer base compared to pre-pandemic levels.  

But this golden run seems to run out of steam as post-pandemic normalcy sets in.

Online learning apps have to maintain the same level of customer service. The only challenge is to stay afloat as schools and colleges open up and resume physical classes. 

But edtech leaders need not fret. They can easily achieve customer loyalty with the help of call center coaching and call monitoring software

Exactly how to do that? Let us answer all your questions through this article today!

We basically talk about-

  • The BIG Edtech Challenges that Call Center Coaching and Monitoring Software Should Solve 
  • How Does a Call Center Monitoring and Coaching Solution Prove Worthy?

The BIG Edtech Challenges that Call Center Coaching and Monitoring Software Should Solve

In current times, the biggest challenge standing in the way of edtech companies is implementing effective quality assurance procedures

An online learning platform needs not only cater to students, even working professionals utilize these to better their skills. 

With such a diverse customer base, the content of educational modules and their presentation become critical. 

Even minute things such as the authenticity of the information presented, the app’s user interface etc. add up to provide a unique experience. 

A robust quality assurance procedure ensures that all your content matches all prescribed standards before being consumed by learners. 

But QA can actually be challenging as firms might know what to check and how to check it. In such a scenario, a call center training program or call center workforce management solution can come handy. 

Good call center management systems also solve the following problems- 

  1. Lack of penetration 

A recurring criticism of edtech has been its high-handedness when it comes to ensuring accessibility to all sorts of learners. 

A working network and a device are basic necessities for accessing any edtech platform. 

There is a possibility that many people might already be out of your firm’s ambit solely because they can’t afford these requirements. 

Edtech companies can look to turn this around by thinking about improving accessibility at the development stage itself. 

They can take in customer feedback and expectations collected using appropriate call center coaching and call center monitoring software

  1. Not enough cohesion 

How many options are too many options? This is the question that edtech platforms should be asking themselves. 

New learners, as well as educators, can be at times overwhelmed seeing the sheer number of courses and modules available. 

The fragmentation can cause confused learners to not sign up for your services only. Hence it’s important that you cut the clutter and present a seamless overlay to customers.

You need not wait for the customers to approach you. By deploying call monitoring software, you can precisely understand customer expectations. You can then move to provide precisely that before the customer even asks you to!

  1. Absence of proper support 

Edtech companies are notorious for not providing appropriate support to its learners in case they face some issues. 

Not only this, several edtech tools have too steep a learning curve that further increases the chances of customer dissatisfaction. 

You can target improved customer satisfaction rates by using a call center coaching and call monitoring tool. 

Consider the report where almost 2/3rd of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations.

How Does a Call Center Monitoring and Coaching Solution Prove Worthy?

Edtech needs to do a bit of soul searching and modernize its methodologies to meet post-pandemic customer needs. 

At the same time, it’s also important that the call center solutions employed by you show flexibility and upgrade simultaneously with your business. 

A robust call center quality monitoring solution can have the following benefits- 

  1. Remote contact centers and remote agents 

The pandemic brought remote contact centers into the limelight, and it seems they are here to stay. 

A remote agent can log in using any device and assist customers from practically anywhere. Such an arrangement not only saves expenditure, it also significantly improves the satisfaction level of your agents. 

Remember, only a happy agent can generate happy customers. Don’t forget your customer service reps while focussing on generating unique experiences. 

  1. Reduction in the Average Hold Time (AHT)

Average hold time is the duration spent by each customer before they are connected to an agent. 

It’s anybody's guess that if AHT values are high for a contact center, their customer satisfaction rates would be low. 

For an edtech, high AHT can be a deal breaker. A student, working professional, or educator might have a query that needs immediate attention. 

If you have utilized a call center coaching tool, agents would know to obtain the history of a customer’s previous interaction. On this basis, they can offer them a customized solution. 

AHT can also be reduced by setting up deep knowledge banks for agents to access and make it easy for them to ask for assistance while on live call. 

  1. Automation of Repetitive Tasks 

Call center monitoring and coaching software are part of call center solutions that help automate repetitive tasks. This way more time is left for the agents to focus on customer experience. 

Prime examples are using Artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop automated dialing, chatbots, automated transferring of calls, etc. 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based platforms go beyond these features and actually help managers analyze their agents’ performance. 

Convin is one such tool that lets you record all inbound and outbound calls and draw deep insights from them. Depending on these insights, you can put up agents for coaching and training.

Sign up and see all the seamless features we have developed just for you!

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