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Why should you invest time in the e-book?

You may have been doing a great job all this while, but the traditional ways of selling won’t endure for a long time. This e-book brings a fresh perspective to deal with the pandemic and the post-pandemic challenges as well as take advantage of the emerging opportunities in 2022.

64 percent of sellers met or exceeded their revenue targets…

As compared with just 50% of those who didn’t, reports Hubspot. This means virtual selling has more scope of business than traditional selling.

3 out of 4 believe digital sales methods surpass traditional methods…

…according to McKinsey's survey conducted on digital sales methods in today’s time. Evidently, conventional methods and mindsets will fail in the new normal.

89 percent of sellers believe changing buyers' perceptions is a top challenge…

…because changing buyers' perception of what is possible or how to solve problems is difficult to decipher. Hence bridging the gap between customer needs and sellers’ understanding will be critical with the advent of remote selling.

77% of sales professionals plan to increase sales intelligence investment…

…looking at the considerable outcome delivered by sales technology, reports LinkedIn. Sales technology and automation will most likely solve majority of the problems.

What's Inside?

Worldwide, sales experts developed and honed new sales strategies not just for business continuity but also for accelerating sales in the face of the pandemic crisis. Here’s a compilation of best sales practices that can move the needle in 2022 and help you sell faster.


How to offer customer service to your prospects along with customers?


How to uncover the short-term requirements of your audience?


How to bring change in decision-making with the Challenger mindset?


How would you motivate buyers with the influencer theory?


How to ascertain what to sell the buyer?


How to limit the options and improve selling speed?

Ready to pump up the sales numbers in the first quarter of 2022?

Start applying the 10 best practices that give an overall push to your sales efforts and bring in a dramatic change in business results. It’s tried and tested!
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What Are People Saying?

Not all the suggestions are coming from us. We owe a lot to these sales experts who collaborated with us in making the e-book a success.

One of the best ways to get someone to move to your product is to get them to hate their current situation.

Matt Wolach

SaaS Enthusiast, Founder, Investor

You should always be asking yourself, how hard do I make it for my prospects to do business with me? What can I do to make it easier?

Sean Sheppard

Managing Partner @ U+

If you want to engage with customers, you need to find a way to interact with them. Get to know them and their world, and provide a benefit no one else made an effort to produce for them.

Keith Brooks

Helping Customers Love Their Applications

The Author

Abhishika Chatterjee

Abhishikha is a marketing professional with over three years of experience in content writing. She's currently on a mission to create content that will help a salesperson overcome obstacles.