Call Center Coaching

Automated Call Center Coaching Makes Every Agent a Performer

Convin’s automated agent coaching is instrumental in building skills that impact agent performance and customer experience.

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Operating a successful call center requires a lot of strategic and tactical activities. And one essential yet underrated activity is call center coaching. 

As a call center coach, you are responsible for quality assurance. Assisting agents to perform better, handle calls efficiently, make a difference in the business, and ensure a flawless customer experience.

But haven't you been stuck in a room with disengaged agents? Agents, who barely want to participate, let alone invest time in learning a new skill?

While agents disapprove of coaching, the importance of learning new skills, sharpening old ones, and challenging poor performance is something only experienced agents(now managers and supervisors) can understand. 

But the problem is much worse, according to Mckinsey,

  1. The average 500-agent call center in North America assigns about $2 million of staff time to coaching activities yearly. 
  2. And there’s a significant gap of more than 30 to 40 percentage points between agents in the top performance quadrant and the bottom. 
  3. Another study of employee engagement at contact centers found that dissatisfaction with the coaching process—was a key reason for agent attrition.

The study represents a poor coaching regime, demotivated agents, dragging business, and customers receiving poor service. 

Before we dive right into why traditional coaching has failed to show results, let’s understand the foundation of the contact center coaching ritual.

What is call center coaching?

Call center coaching is an organized activity to improve the skill set of customer service and sales representatives. The skills can involve effective communication with customers, getting apprised with call center software, etc. 

Call center coaching can involve several processes such as one-to-one guidance sessions, group learning, peer-to-peer learning, role-playing, etc. All this should be followed in alignment with exhaustive feedback so that agents understand the company’s expectations and how they are faring against the KPIs.

Why is call center coaching important?

As per a popular saying- “Great call center agents are not born, they are made!

And for that, you need a robust call center training program. Such coaching modules empower agents with the requisite technical tools and knowledge to assist customers in the best possible way. 

More call center coaching leads to more sales. Source: Mckinsey

Not only customers but call center coaching also leads to confident employees as agents can see growth in their skillset. This enhances their productivity and promotes an overall positive work environment. 

Contact center coaching models

There are three popular contact center coaching models. We discuss them below- 

1. GROW Model

GROW stands for Goal, Reality, Options, Will. This model constitutes formulating questions around these four categories and evaluating your call center performance. GROW model is the best for face-to-face and side-by-side coaching. However, it is not preferred for call center online coaching. 

2. THINK Model

The Think Model is a standard criterion considered before offering feedback to an agent. Feedback is a crucial aspect of call center coaching and can make or break your efforts. The Think model helps you formulate your feedback in such a way that it is positive and inspiring rather than negative. You can use this model in the following way- 

‘Ask Yourself, is your feedback True, Honest, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind?’ (THINK)


This model takes a pragmatic approach to giving feedback to customer service reps. You award them two stars for every two tasks successfully achieved by the agent. At the same time, you ask them the particular aspect they wish to see improvement in. 

What is the goal of a call center coaching manager?

A call center coaching manager understands that their employees are as important as customers to their business success. Hence they stay away from micro-managing their agents, instead focussing on aligning the organization's growth with the personal growth of agents. 

Call agents look up to center coaching managers, and their feedback guides agents improvement journey. Hence the primary goal for the management should be to identify the ‘Why’ of their coaching style. Team leaders can inspire agents and enable them to reach the pinnacle of their skill set. They should thus set a goal to usher in a positive work environment to take each agent along. 

Call center coaching areas managers should focus

1. Thorough information of the product or service

The agents should know the product/service your client offers so they can tackle customer grievances confidently. Empower your agents by establishing a knowledge base that can be accessed on live calls. 

2. Mannerisms 

How your reps greet customers and talk to them throughout the call can become a hallmark of your brand. Often customers will form a lasting impression of your brand based on how agents behaved with them on the call. 

An agent’s tone and choice of words also hold a lot of power. If everything is top-notch, they can easily convert potential leads. But if the tone was off or inappropriate comments were used, even the most loyal customers would jump ship and go to your competitors. 

3. Software understanding 

You don’t want your agents wasting time figuring out the solutions while being live. Hence you should train them in handling the call center software. This significantly reduces the Average Hold Time (AHT) for each customer and enhances agent’s productivity. 

How do managers create instant coaching in the call center?

As a call center manager, you have to remember that coaching is not an isolated concept.It is intrinsically linked to the work atmosphere. You must consider your agent’s well-being while helping them achieve professional achievements. This can be done in several easy steps-

  1. Always give feedback in private. Agents might not like it if their shortcomings are discussed publicly. 
  2. Don’t focus too much on the negative. Always build upon the positive aspects, even if you have to give critical feedback. 
  3. Use modern technology such as AI-powered call recording platforms to obtain deep insights into agents’ performance. 
  4. Try to arrange micro-coaching sessions that improve the agents' specific skill sets. Don’t try to crunch a lot of learning in a few sessions. 
  5. Keep the mood light and fun in the coaching sessions. While learning is not to be compromised, it also shouldn’t become a drag. Fun sessions keep agents engaged for their entirety, thus bettering their learning outcomes. 

Challenges with Call Center Coaching

1. Lack of supervision

You might have put up agents for coaching, but it won’t bear much result if you are not monitoring their progress regularly and observing whether coaching is making any changes in their performance. 

2. No space for agents to record their feedback

Feedback is a two-way road, with both manager and agent feedback holding a significant place. However, agent feedback doesn’t get the same importance. You have to trust that your agents want to improve genuinely. They might offer valuable suggestions that can enhance the effectiveness of your training program. 

3. Ambiguous Coaching Models 

There can be no end to improvement; every tiny thing about your call center might show promise of upgrading. Often coaching sessions become the ground for covering every possible skill in the sun. Without focussed sessions, agents might not grasp your expectations or even become disengaged. 

Why is traditional coaching not suitable for today’s agents and managers?

Every experienced manager or agent( having spent six months or more) understands the importance of metrics such as average handling time (AHT), first-contact resolution (FCR), or customer satisfaction (CSAT). They’d also know that an upward trend in FCR and CSAT and a reducing trend in AHT is a good indicator, suggesting the effectiveness of the agent coaching program. 

Instead of chasing the metrics, contact center coaching has become a frustrating task for call center coaches and agents alike. And the turn of events can be attributed to a number of reasons:

  1. Quality coaching needs time.
  2. Coaches are unprepared and poorly perform in sessions. 
  3. Classroom coaching isn’t a scalable option
  4. Poor tracking of agents' performance
  5. Vague feedback and insufficient evidence of poor performance.
  6. Wrong mindset adopted for coaching agents.
  7. Coaching is often poorly targeted.

Hence, the discussion boils down to a simple and modern conclusion: Creating smarter call center coaching techniqueswill upskill contact center agents with personalized, targeted, and timely coaching that eliminates human dependency. 

And accepting the new way of coaching is the best opportunity for scaling organizations with a large call volume and growing contact center teams.

Call center coaching solutions: The pillars of successful sessions

The first pillar of a successful coaching session is engagement. Coaching can go on for a longer period, and there is a risk of agents losing interest. You have to ensure that you help them maintain the same level of enthusiasm and engagement. 

Another fundamental pillar of successful call center coaching is simulation. This step is particularly essential for new joiners. You can make them comfortable with the various call center solutions you use through role-play or mock interactions. You can also give them an on-call experience handling all types of customers. 

How do you create a smarter call center coaching environment?

1. Automating repetitive tasks 

Automating repetitive tasks leaves more time for agents for coaching sessions. 

2. Make data work for you

Contact centers should use software that offers actionable insights into agents’ performance. They can then successfully judge an agent’s capability on multiple indicators. 

3. Move beyond face-to-face coaching

Digitization of coaching modules can work wonders for your business. You’d have a number of tools at your disposal- on-demand coaching videos, call recordings of top performers, gamification, etc. Digital coaching is beneficial for coaching remote agents

What resources do you need for successful call center coaching?

Create a checklist diagram with the below points.

  1. Contact center automated agent coaching software 
  2. Appropriate coaching material
  3. Experienced agents and managers
  4. Evaluative tests and surveys 
  5. Portals for online training of agents 
  6. Insightful reports to analyze an agent’s performance.

How Does Convin’s Automated Agent Coaching improve CSAT by 27% and closure rate by 21%?

Convin’s automated agent coaching is built for contemporary contact centers. Our solution can streamline coaching and help agents deliver top-notch performance within 45 days. 

1. Automated agent performance and tracking 

Ability to evaluate agent call performance with AI. Call auditing is conducted on 100% of agent calls instead of manual, random, and smaller samples. 

As an option, managers can manually score agents even after receiving the AI call score. 

Automated call auditing of agent-customer conversations. 

2. Coaching is automated and removes human dependency

Managers are relieved of the responsibility of assigning coaching sessions and bringing training material to the table. Agents can automatically receive coaching recommendations.

Agents receive coaching recommendations on the platform and track their success simultaneously.

3. Personalized and targeted coaching at scale

Agents receive only relatable coaching moments. Practically, agent performance issues are categorized under “skill” and “will” components. Agents can access will or skill coaching sessions based on the call scores.

The coaching recommendations are reflected in the emails and platform for agents’ convenience.

4. Use peer-to-peer coaching

Convin believes in replicating top-performance. As a best practice, the coaching sessions will be snippets auto-generated from top-performing agents' recorded calls. Newcomers can leverage the coaching program to ramp up faster.  

5. Analytics and reporting 

With the backing of AI, analytics and reporting are performed on all agent calls. The coaching progress is also reported and displayed to managers and agents. Access to a comparative team dashboard excites agents to perform better and outperform their peers. 

Coaching progress dashboard for agents.

What Are The Other Product Capabilities Of Convin?

Convin monitors and analyzes 100% of calls automatically based on custom parameters set by your organization. The conversation analysis offers winning behavior identification and last-mile automated agent coaching. 

1. Automated Quality Management

Convin’s call center tool automatically reviews 100% of customer calls using custom call evaluation forms and spots agent performance challenges and unhappy customer conversations. Through automated quality management, managers and QA generate call scores that help establish coaching needs and staff dissatisfaction. 

2. Winning Pattern Identification

With the help of conversation insights and deal status, Convin presents parameters that drive positive and negative outcomes for the business. Spot violations, winning parameters,  customer sentiments, and threats to take proactive measures before customer calls.

3. Automated agent coaching

Convin’s system automatically generates coaching opportunities after reviewing agent performance. Based on the AI-driven call scores- good, average, and poor performers are identified, and the platform triggers personalized agent coaching based on the requirement. Coaching instances are extracted from the top performers' conversations and best practices. This method improves call handling quality and reduces supervisor escalations to a large extent.

4. Conversation intelligence

CI records, transcribes, and analyzes conversations to generate call insights and transcriptions. The conversation intelligence software discourages manual conversation review and all other non-sales activities by automating notes, action items, and CRM entries.

Access agent performance KPI and customer experience quality criteria to produce consumable role-based reports pinpointing key challenges and opportunities. These reports are not only available on the Convin platform but are periodically emailed to the managers.

Convin’s Call Monitoring system is entirely safe

Convin is a secure and safe software platform.

At Convin, we understand the customer and call data security importance; that’s why we ensure your data is completely secure and safe with our in-house transcription and NLP engine. We ensure call data security in the following ways:

  • In-house transcription and NLP
  • Secure login and monitoring
  • Hosted on AWS
  • SSL data encryption
  • Role-based access control
  • Enterprise-grade application monitoring
  • GDPR compliant meeting recording

And Convin, as of now, supports English, Hindi, and Hinglish. And it takes less than a week to get you onboarded, so don’t wait, schedule a demo right away!