Episode 34: Typical quality management problems that contact centers need to fix in 2023.

Rick Mathias, the Director of Call Center Operations at Heartland Home Services, is an expert in quality assurance and exceeding objectives in cross-functional environments.

Ashish Santhalia

Host, Sales Gambit | Founder @ Convin

Rick is the Director of Call Center Operations at Heartland Home services, where amongst other amazing things, Rick created an in-depth Quality Assurance process to ensure a best-in-class call center customer experience.

Today, Rick has joined us to talk about ‘’Typical quality management problems that contact centers need to fix in 2023.”

We discussed

  1. How did his career start off? And what is it that he is working on currently?
  2. What is quality assurance  and how important is it in contact centers?
  3. Does QA directly impact CX and agent performance? If yes, how?
  4. What  are typical problems in quality management in contact centers?
  5. How to fix these problems and improve Quality management?
  6. Which tools can boost quality management performance for most contact centers?