Calibration Call

Calibration Call

Welcome back. I’m Conviner, your call center terminology assistant. Let’s talk call calibration today, shall we? 

The oldest form of call calibration involved a group of evaluators listening to the same recorded calls and scoring them independently, followed by a discussion to reconcile any differences in scores. 

1. What is Call Calibration?

Call calibration in a contact center refers to the process of evaluating and adjusting the performance of contact center agents by using standardized test calls. Calibration calls simulate fundamental customer interactions and measure key metrics such as call clarity, agent tone and language, compliance with customer service guidelines, and overall customer satisfaction. 

Call calibration aims to ensure that contact center agents are providing high-quality customer service and identify areas for improvement. The results of the calibration calls are used to provide feedback to agents, make changes to training programs, and make adjustments to the contact center's overall service approach. 

Calibration call is an important part of a contact center's quality assurance and helps ensure consistently high-quality customer interactions.

2. How does a call calibration session work?

A call calibration session in a contact center typically works as follows:


The contact center management team selects a representative sample of calls to be used for calibration and prepares a set of performance criteria to be evaluated during the session.


During a calibration session, the selected calls are played for a group of agents and a team of quality assurance specialists. The agents are asked to listen to the calls and provide feedback on their own performance and the performance of their colleagues.


During the calibration session, the quality assurance specialists evaluate the performance of each agent using the pre-determined performance criteria. This may include assessments of call handling techniques, language and tone, adherence to customer service guidelines, and overall customer satisfaction.


After the evaluation, the quality assurance specialists provide feedback to the agents on their performance and areas for improvement. This feedback may include specific recommendations for improvement and suggestions for additional training or coaching.


The results of the calibration session are analyzed to identify trends and patterns in agent performance. This information can be used to make improvements to the contact center's training programs and overall service approach.


After the calibration session, the contact center management team may follow up with individual agents to provide additional feedback and coaching. The results of the calibration session may also be used to make adjustments to performance metrics and to track progress over time.

3. What Are the Benefits of Call Calibration?

There are several benefits of call calibration in contact centers, including:

Improved Customer Experience

By regularly calibrating calls, contact centers can ensure that customer interactions are consistently high quality and meet the desired standards.

Listen to the podcast on: How to revolutionize customer experience in a Healthcare contact center.

Enhanced Agent Performance

Call calibration provides real-time feedback to agents on their performance, helping them identify areas for improvement and better meet customer needs.

Increased Efficiency

Call calibration can help contact centers identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments to their training programs, resulting in more efficient and effective customer interactions.

Better Data Analysis

Call calibration provides valuable insights into customer interactions and can help contact centers identify trends and patterns that can be used to make informed decisions about service improvements.

Improved Compliance

Call calibration can help contact centers meet regulatory requirements and industry standards by ensuring customer interactions comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Consistent Performance

Call calibration helps to ensure consistent performance across all agents and teams, promoting a more cohesive and effective customer service approach.

Increased Employee Engagement

Call calibration can increase employee engagement and motivation by providing regular feedback and coaching, leading to better job satisfaction and performance.

Calibration call is an important part of quality assurance in a contact center and provides significant benefits for both customers and agents.

That’s all for now. Signing off!

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