We recently published an eBook that offers tried and tested sales best practices on How to Sell Faster in 2022? (also the title of the eBook)
Did you read it? If not, here’s a chance to read it now- Download the eBook.
But did you notice the title of the eBook. Does that make you think what’s the hurry? Why do you need to sell faster in 2022?

Unfortunately, the rush is real and it’s here to stay.
There’s a reason the first sentence of the eBook reads-
We went from “See you in Boston next week” to “See you in the Zoom call in 30 minutes.”- Abhishikha Chatterjee, Content Writer at Convin
Long story short, we are closer to our people in the socially distanced world.
Our prospects are literally one call away and they don’t mind that anymore. The equation of time and response has changed dramatically. Regardless of what we argue about, communication and response times are faster today.
How did this happen?
Of course, it’s the aftermath of the Covid-19, and it's here to stay.
Considering these factors, we arrived at a conclusion that there are many factors making sellers chase their prospects faster than usual.
So, let’s understand them one by one.
What happened after the COVID-19?
We have been 2 years into the pandemic, and the new normal for most of us is remote. And would remote work and virtual selling stay?
1. Here’s evidence #1 from PWC.

2. Here’s evidence #2 from Linkedin
According to The LinkedIn State of Sales Report 2021, Buyers aren’t upset with the new reality. 50 percent of buyers were found saying that remotely purchasing is easier and more convenient in many cases.

It seems there’s no objection from any parties. The transition to a remote work environment is going smoothly with potential opportunities.
This is what happened when Covid-19 came into the picture. Now, let’s understand how businesses take advantage of this situation.
As they say, luck favors the brave, and remote selling proved to be a profitable venture for those who took the plunge.
According to HubSpot’s 2021 Sales Enablement Report, sales leaders who invested in remote sales noticed a return. The remote sellers who met or exceeded their revenue targets were 64 percent, while those who didn't were just 50 percent.

This clearly indicates the opportunities of closing deals faster and more efficiently have improved. And how did that happen?
Plenty of sellers took heed of the situation and plunged into the field. They sold faster and better because of the following reasons, and you should also pay attention to them.
Why do you need to sell faster in 2022?
- Underperforming markets doubled the pressure of selling, and targets have skyrocketed to meet today’s business revenue and compensate for the past.
- Internet access has made time and timing extremely significant.
- Companies are drawing prospects’ attention in a shorter time and engaging quickly.
- If technology brought new customers, it made defending existing customers difficult.
- Customers have more options and more channels for purchase.
- Every customer is seeking a vendor that makes the experience easy and is flexible to customers’ availability.
- Competition is on the rise because it's easier to launch new products and market them.
- Customers have started looking for solutions for short-term goals rather than long-term goals.
- Remote associations have made meetings tighter, shorter, and productive. This means customers want everything Black and white and faster decision-making.
- Today selling is more dependent on trust, and building trust takes time. Companies with high credibility is leading the race.
Now you know the reasons why we want you to sell faster in 2022. If you don’t do it, you’ll lag behind your competitors and never see the winning streak again.
You must do something different to outperform the factors arising due to remote selling and virtual engagement.
You must work on a few sales best practices that others may be taking for granted today.
A simple example would be offering customer service to prospects as if they were your current customers.
You’ll also be introduced to-
- The 10 underlying challenges of sellers during the pandemic.
- The 8 traits of a seller in the new normal
You get where we are going, right?
You can make simple changes in your current selling habits and methods.
The eBook is a winner’s guide to selling faster in 2022 under the same condition as the rest of the world. If you are ready to take advantage of the current scenario and achieve your sales goals, then this eBook is for you- READ TODAY!
Download now
TIP: Don’t download and leave it in your downloads folder.
We wish you all Happy and Smart Selling in 2022!!
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