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Most-Awaited Wedding of 2023: ChatGPT X Convin

Abhishikha Chatterjee
Abhishikha Chatterjee
March 20, 2023

Last modified on

Most-Awaited Wedding of 2023: ChatGPT X Convin
Table of Content

The wave of ChatGPT swept over each one of us. There’s just so much that one can achieve with a single query. Of course, misuse and flaws are inevitable(a debatable topic for another time). 

Regardless of the market sentiments, and similar to other new technologies, ChatGPT has won everyone's attention for its unparalleled power and increasing productivity. Tell me if you haven’t cut down time.

Also, by now, you’re wondering why Convin is discussing ChatGPT. 

What is Convin ChatGPT? And more so, what would contact centers remotely want from the OpenAI application?

Well, it’s time managers land answers(to complex questions) a lot differently and conveniently. 

Are you ready? **Drum rolls, please**

Convin is all set to launch your personal “Cut to the Chase” solution–ConvinGPT. 

What does that mean? Here’s a quick example:

ConvinGPT for call center managers.
ConvinGPT for call center managers.

ConvinGPT is a platform that uses a powerful artificial intelligence model to extract conversation insights and provides valuable data that’s usually hard to interpret from reports.

How to use ChatGPT with Convin?

For instance, You want to know customers' frequent complaints about the product. ConviGPT will help you cut to the chase by reducing the job of searching for hints in conversations, reports, and consulting agents. 

You’ll find yourself running a query and landing frequent product issues by chatting with ConvinGPT. 

And Viola! There, you can see the gaps in the product. And go deeper before you catch hold of the product manager. (No offense!)

Did we mention you’ll be generating query results exclusively from your dataset? Yes, that’ll be set up in the beginning for better results.

What is in store with the new ConvinGPT?

The queries are just a small part of the innovation. We have a bigger purpose here. 

Development of Phase 1 simplifies managers' day-to-day tasks. Next up are exciting additions that boost the efficiency of managers and agents in a wide range of settings. 

  1. Entity Recognition: Extract critical information in the conversation and help put it together to build actionable next steps for agents.
  2. Sentiment Analysis: Highlight client emotions exhibited during an interaction and summarise overall conversation sentiment.
  3. Information correctness benchmarking: Validate credibility of information agents share with customers.
  4. Auto-call summary: Summarize conversations better, including critical discussions that need attention.

I’d say we are just getting started. Our product team envisions resolving more significant contact center challenges with ChatGPT. 

So, stay tuned! Lots of exciting announcements are in order. 

Get ready to experience the power of conversation intelligence with ConvinGPT!

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