Lead Scoring

Lead Scoring

Hi, is this your first time around? I’m Conviner, here to help you learn more about lead scoring.

61% of B2B marketers send all leads directly to sales, but only 27% of those leads are qualified​.

1. What is Lead Scoring?

Lead scoring is a process where businesses use a lead scoring model to rank potential customers by assigning numerical values to their actions, conversations, and characteristics to prioritize sales efforts.

2. How Does Lead Scoring Work?

Lead scoring assigns points to leads based on criteria, including predictive lead scoring methods like engagement and demographics, helping sales teams focus on high-priority prospects.

3. How To Calculate Lead Scores?

Lead scores are calculated by adding up points assigned to various lead attributes and behaviors relevant to the business, often managed through lead scoring software.

That’s a wrap! See you again.

Score high-quality leads to boost your sales success!