After Call Work

After Call Work

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On average, agents spend about 6 minutes per customer interaction as part of after call work.

1. What is ACW in a call center?

After Call Work (ACW) are tasks agents must perform after each customer interaction. The kind of tasks involved in ACW differ from industry to industry and in certain cases vary on the basis of the customer query.

Some general tasks involved in ACW include updating the system, noting details of the call and outcome, and scheduling follow-up actions, if any.

2. Why is ACW important?

When after call work is done properly by all agents, it can reduce average handle time (AHT). It can also improve agent efficiency and overall call center performance.

3. Is there any industry standard for ACW?

Since the kind of tasks involved in ACW differ based on industry and complexity, there are no specific standards for after call work. Making the nature of these tasks with only essential information can reduce the time involved in ACW tasks.

4. How does ACW help agents and customers?

Maintaining standards for ACW can help both agents and customers. Here are some of the key improvements due to ACW:

That’s a wrap! See you again.

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